Product Page Inquiry Function
As of January 2021, this is my experience in charge of internal development at my current job.
< div id =" section-subscribe1 " >
< div class =" container " >
< div class =" row " >
< div class =" title1 col-12 " >
< h2 > 구매문의 </ h2 >
</ div >
< div class =" form col-12 ez-animate " data-animation =" fadeInUp " >
< FORM method =" POST " name =" frmMain " >
< input name =" ProductMajorName " type =" hidden " value =" groupware " >
< input name =" ProductMajorIdx " type =" hidden " value =" 24 " >
< input type =" hidden " name =" ProductTypeName " value = " 그룹웨어(상품) " >
< input type =" hidden " name =" ncount " value = " 1 " >
< input type =" hidden " name =" quantity0 " value = " 1 " >
< input type =" hidden " name =" product0 " value = " groupware " >
< input type =" text " name =" uname " class =" form-email form-element large " placeholder =" 성명 * " tabindex =" 2 " required ="" >
< input type =" text " name =" company " class =" form-email form-element large " placeholder =" 회사명 * " tabindex =" 2 " required ="" >
< input type =" text " name =" hp " class =" form-email form-element large " placeholder =" 연락처 * " tabindex =" 2 " required ="" >
< input type =" text " name =" uemail " class =" form-email form-element large " placeholder =" 이메일 * " tabindex =" 2 " required ="" >
< div style =" width:640px;text-align:center;margin:50px auto 20px auto " >
< table width =" 100% " border =" 0 " cellpadding =" 0 " cellspacing =" 0 " class =" tb " >
< tr >
< td width =" 33% " > 수집 및 이용목적 </ td >
< td width =" 33% " > 수집항목 </ td >
< td > 보유/이용 기간 </ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td > 온라인 상담/견적 </ td >
< td > 성명, 회사명, 연락처, 이메일 </ td >
< td > 3년 </ td >
</ tr >
</ table >
< div style =" width:100%;padding:10px 0 " > 소비자의 불만 또는 분쟁 처리에 관한 기록(전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률) </ div >
< div style =" width:100%;padding:10px 0 " > < input type =" checkbox " name =" checkbox " > 개인정보 수집 및 이용에 동의합니다(필수) </ div >
</ div >
< a href =" javascript:gw_send(document.frmMain); " class =" form-submit button text-uppercase bkg-theme bkg-hover-charcoal color-white color-hover-white text-medium " > 보내기 </ a > < br >
< button type =" submit " class =" shadow1 bgscheme " > 문의하기 ASP </ button >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
</ div >
function gw_send ( obj ) {
flag = false ;
if ( obj . uname . value == "" ) {
alert ( "이름을 입력하세요" ) ;
obj . uname . focus ( ) ;
return ;
if ( obj . company . value == "" ) {
alert ( "회사명을 입력하세요" ) ;
obj . company . focus ( ) ;
return ;
if ( obj . hp . value == "" ) {
alert ( "연락처를 입력하세요" ) ;
obj . hp . focus ( ) ;
return ;
if ( obj . uemail . value == "" ) {
alert ( "이메일을 입력하세요" ) ;
obj . uemail . focus ( ) ;
return ;
if ( obj . checkbox . checked == false ) {
alert ( "이용약관에 동의해주세요" ) ;
obj . checkbox . focus ( ) ;
return ;
// = "!OK"
obj . action = "/purchase/purchase_comm_ok.asp" ;
obj . submit ( ) ;
If you do not check the agreement, an alert will be provided as shown below and the text “Please agree to the Terms of Use” will be displayed!
If you fill out the form as shown below, check the consent terms, and then submit the form with ‘Send’...
We confirmed that the email was successfully processed and received as shown below.