ClassicASP Master Library
For a better world...
Main headings and details you will find in this repo. Some code samples and comments may not be complete. Check the checkboxes on the side.
Uses the System.Collections.ArrayList object to sort the array.
Check this repo for ready Class : [Sorting Class for ClassicASP](
MyArray = Array(1,5,9,7,3,2)
tmp_data = MyArray
Response.Write "<h4>Default Array</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 1 5 9 7 3 2
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, "ASC")
Response.Write "<h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 1 2 3 5 7 9
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, "DESC")
Response.Write "<h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 9 7 5 3 2 1
Uses Native Javascript runat Server method and return object exist. If object exist, return true, else return false value.
Set Checker = New CheckerClass
' Not Exist Class: SomeClass
Set objClass = Eval("New SomeClass")
If Checker.ClassExist(objClass) = True Then
Response.Write "<span style=""color:green"">Exist</span><br>"
Response.Write "<span style=""color:red"">Not Exist</span><br>"
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
' Not Exist Property in Class: SomeClass.SomeProperty
Set objClass = Eval("New SomeClass")
If Checker.ObjectExist(objClass, "SomeProperty") = True Then
Response.Write "<span style=""color:green"">Exist</span><br>"
Response.Write "<span style=""color:red"">Not Exist</span><br>"
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
Set Checker = Nothing
It shows making a MySQL database connection and spreading a table to the screen with a loop.
Demo Not found!
Set rsObj = Conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl_name ORDER BY col_name ASC")
If rsObj.Eof Then
' No Record Found in tbl_name
Do While Not rsObj.Eof
' Your Looping Code
rsObj.MoveNext : Loop
End If
rsObj.Close : Set rsObj = Nothing
How do I make a connection to a MySQL database using ASP?
On Error Resume Next
' Define Your DB Conneciton
Const conn_db_name = "your_db_name"
Const conn_db_user = "your_db_user"
Const conn_db_pass = "your_db_pass"
Const conn_db_addr = "your_db_address" ' Usually localhost but use for performance
' Set Conn object to db
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};database="& Db &";server="& ServerIP &";uid="& User &";password="& Pass &";"
Conn.Execute "SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'"
Conn.Execute "SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4"
Conn.Execute "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8mb4_general_ci'"
If Err<> 0 Then
Response.Write "Database connection failed. Check your conn_ information"
End If
' Do Some Stuff With Your DB. Can access db object via 'Conn' object
' Release Connection Object
Set Conn = Nothing
How do I determine the date is weekend or weekday?
IsWeekend(Date()) ' return true Or false
If IsWeekend(Date()) = True Then
Response.Write "Yes, It's weekend"
Response.Write "No, It's weekday"
End If