In this repository, you can find all the exercises and notes I wrote during the Artificial Intelligence course in the AY 2022/2023 @ UNICAL
I decided to make this repository public so that other students who attend this course can compare and (perhaps) solve problems with their work.
Repeat with me: Copying the exercises is useless, and above all harmful.
In the " Examples " folder there are some notes, the content of which usually consists of a small exercise, which I then took as the basis for carrying out all the others.
In the " Exercises " folder, you will find all the procedures ( duly commented ) of the exercises carried out in the classroom or assigned at home, divided by topic into the relevant folders.
Furthermore, you will also find the results of the execution of almost all ".dlv" programs, in the form of "result-<exercise_name>.txt" file
In the "Tracks" folder, there are, in fact, all the exam tracks (taken directly from the course website) and, in the "Procedures" folder (for which I absolutely cannot guarantee the correctness ), my progress of the aforementioned (the files report the date of the relevant PDF).