Thank you for your interest in C# Package of Chargily Pay™, an open source project by Chargily, a leading fintech company in Algeria specializing in payment solutions and e-commerce facilitating, this Package is providing the easiest and free way to integrate e-payment API through widespread payment methods in Algeria such as EDAHABIA (Algerie Post) and CIB (SATIM) into your C#/ASP.NET projects.
This package is developed by Ahmed Chakhoum (rainxh11) and is open to contributions from developers like you.
Nuget Pacakge | Downloads |
Chargily.Pay: |
Chargily.Pay.AspNet: |
Only .NET6.0
and newer versions are supported.
NOTE: Ability to receive checkout status with Webhook endpoint is only possible with project types that can host an HTTP Server.
dotnet add Chargily.Pay
using Chargily.Pay;
var chargilyClient = ChargilyPay.CreateResilientClient(config =>
// toggle live mode
config.IsLiveMode = false;
// your chargily dev account api-secret key
config.ApiSecretKey = "YOUR API SECRET";
var createProduct = new CreateProduct()
Name = "Product Name",
ImagesUrls = new List<Uri>()
new Uri("")
Description = "Product Description",
var product = await _chargilyPayClient.AddProduct(createProduct);
var createPrice = new CreatePrice()
Amount = 3000,
Currency = Currency.DZD,
ProductId = product.Value.Id,
var productPrice = await chargilyClient.AddPrice(createPrice);
var checkoutItems = new List<CheckoutPriceItem>()
new CheckoutPriceItem()
Quantity = 1,
PriceId = productPrice.Value.Id
var createCheckout = new Checkout(checkoutItems)
Description = "Checkout Description",
Language = LocaleType.Arabic,
PaymentMethod = PaymentMethod.EDAHABIA,
PassFeesToCustomer = true,
WebhookEndpointUrl = new Uri(""),
OnFailureRedirectUrl = new Uri(""),
OnSuccessRedirectUrl = new Uri(""),
CollectShippingAddress = false,
var checkout = await chargilyClient.CreateCheckout(createCheckout);
var createCheckout = new Checkout(amount: 3000, Currency.DZD)
Description = "Checkout Description",
Language = LocaleType.Arabic,
PaymentMethod = PaymentMethod.EDAHABIA,
PassFeesToCustomer = true,
WebhookEndpointUrl = new Uri(""),
OnFailureRedirectUrl = new Uri(""),
OnSuccessRedirectUrl = new Uri(""),
CollectShippingAddress = false,
var fastCheckout = await chargilyClient.CreateCheckout(createCheckout);
NOTE: Checkout can be created with list of prices or using an amount + currency.
var createProduct = new CreateProduct()
/* ... */
var product = await _chargilyPayClient.AddProduct(createProduct);
var createPrice = new CreatePrice()
/* ... */
var productPrice = await chargilyClient.AddPrice(createPrice);
// above steps are similar to how to create a checkout
var paymentLinkItems = new List<PaymentLinkPriceItem>()
new PaymentLinkPriceItem()
AdjustableQuantity = true,
PriceId = productPrice.Value.Id,
Quantity = 2
var createPaymentLink = new CreatePaymentLink(paymentLinkItems)
Language = LocaleType.Arabic,
PassFeesToCustomer = true,
CollectShippingAddress = false,
Name = "Name",
CompletionMessage = "completion message",
IsActive = true
var createCustomer = new CreateCustomer()
Name = "Customer Name",
Address = new CustomerAddress()
Address = "Address",
Country = Country.Algeria,
State = "Alger"
Email = "[email protected]",
Phone = "+2130601010101"
var customer = await chargilyClient.AddCustomer(createCustomer);
var createCheckout = new Checkout(amount: 3000, Currency.DZD)
CustomerId = customer.Value.Id,
/* .... */
var fastCheckout = await chargilyClient.CreateCheckout(createCheckout);
foreach (var wallet in chargilyClient.Balance)
/* ... */
using Chargily.Pay;
var chargilyClient = ChargilyPay.CreateResilientClient(config =>
/* ... */
// refresh balance every 30 seconds
config.BalanceRefreshInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
var balance = await chargilyClient.GetBalance();
// by id
var byId = await chargilyClient.GetProduct("id");
// by page number & page size
var products = await chargilyClient.GetProducts(page: 1, pageSize: 50);
// or iterate through all items using `Async Enumerable async foreach`
await foreach(var product in chargilyClient.Products())
/* ... */
await chargilyClient.DeleteProduct("01hrtc39vq463jhnemv0q33mcq");
// by id
var byId = await chargilyClient.GetPrice("id");
// by page number & page size
var prices = await chargilyClient.GetPrices(page: 1, pageSize: 50);
// or iterate through all items using `IAsyncEnumerable async foreach`
await foreach(var price in chargilyClient.Prices())
/* ... */
// by id
var byId = await chargilyClient.GetCustomer("id");
// by page number & page size
var customers = await chargilyClient.GetCustomers(page: 1, pageSize: 50);
// or iterate through all items using `IAsyncEnumerable async foreach`
await foreach(var customer in chargilyClient.Customers())
/* ... */
await chargilyClient.DeleteCustomer("01hrsfjgvfvv1007y54y8fph1v");
// by id
var byId = await chargilyClient.GetCheckout("id");
// by page number & page size
var checkouts = await chargilyClient.GetCheckouts(page: 1, pageSize: 50);
// or iterate through all items using `IAsyncEnumerable async foreach`
await foreach(var checkout in chargilyClient.Checkouts())
/* ... */
var checkoutItems = await chargilyClient.GetCheckoutItems("checkoutId");
// by id
var byId = await chargilyClient.GetPaymentLink("id");
// by page number & page size
var paymentLinks = await chargilyClient.GetPaymentLinks(page: 1, pageSize: 50);
// or iterate through all items using `IAsyncEnumerable async foreach`
await foreach(var paymentLink in chargilyClient.PaymentLinks())
/* ... */
var paymentLinksItems = await chargilyClient.GetPaymentLinkItems("paymentLinkId");
Nuget Package:dotnet add Chargily.Pay.AspNet
using Chargily.Pay;
using Chargily.Pay.AspNet;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
// Register Chargily Pay Client
.AddGlobalChargilyPayClient(config =>
// toggle live mode
config.IsLiveMode = false;
// your chargily dev account api-secret key
config.ApiSecretKey = "YOUR API SECRET";
// Register Chargily Pay Webhook Signature Validator
var app = builder.Build();
// User Chargily Pay Webhook Signature Validator Middleware
// Map Webhook Endpoint to `both POST & GET /api/checkout-webhook`
app.MapChargilyPayWebhookEndpoint("/chargily/webhook", async (webhookContext) =>
// you can access the webhook body, http context, validation result
if (webhookContext.SignatureIsValid)
var body = webhookContext.Request;
/* do something with the webhook request body */
In the above example, the Chargily.Pay.AspNet
provides built-in webhook signature validator middleware, you can register it with builder.Services.AddChargilyPayWebhookValidationMiddleware()
then use it with app.UseChargilyPayWebhookValidation()
It will validate any POST
request that have a header name: signature
. You can override the header name with app.UseChargilyPayWebhookValidation("another_name")
Also built-in a minimal-webapi endpoint that can be registered with app.MapChargilyPayWebhookEndpoint()
, and use it to access the webhook body without manually handling the validation.
& Chargily.Pay.AspNet
nuget packages can be generated using this command:docker build . --output=./output
artifacts will be saved to ./output
folderChargily Pay™ packages/plugins are a collection of open source projects published by Chargily to facilitate the integration of our payment gateway into different programming languages and frameworks. Our goal is to empower developers and businesses by providing easy-to-use tools to seamlessly accept payments.
For detailed instructions on how to integrate with our API and utilize Chargily Pay™ in your projects, please refer to our API Documentation.
Join our developer community on Telegram to connect with fellow developers, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest news and developments related to Chargily Pay™ : Telegram Community
We welcome contributions of all kinds, whether it's bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation improvements, or new plugin/package developments. Here's how you can get started:
Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of this page to create your own copy of the repository.
Clone the Repository: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone
Make Changes: Make your desired changes or additions to the codebase. Be sure to follow our coding standards and guidelines.
Test Your Changes: Test your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
Submit a Pull Request: Once you're satisfied with your changes, submit a pull request back to the main repository. Our team will review your contributions and provide feedback if needed.
Have questions or need assistance? Join our developer community on Telegram and connect with fellow developers and our team.
We appreciate your interest in contributing to Chargily Pay™! Together, we can build something amazing.
Happy coding!