Are you worried that the letencrypt wildcard certificate cannot be automatically renewed (renewed) using the certbot tool? This tool can help!
Regardless of application or renewal, as long as it is a wildcard certificate, the applicant's domain name can only be verified using dns-01, which means that the certbot operator must manually add DNS TXT records.
If you write a Cron (such as 1 1 */1 * * root certbot-auto renew) to automatically renew the wildcard certificate, Cron cannot automatically add the TXT record, so the renew operation will fail. How to solve it?
certbot provides a hook that allows you to write a Shell script to call the DNS service provider's API interface and dynamically add TXT records, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
Among the plug-in and hook examples officially provided by certbot, there are no examples for domestic DNS servers, so I wrote such a tool, which currently supports Alibaba Cloud DNS , Tencent Cloud DNS , Huawei Cloud NDS , and GoDaddy (certbot has no official equivalent. plug-in).
Several PRs have been merged recently and have not been tested. If you have any questions, please give me feedback. Thank you!
1: Download
$ git clone
$ cd certbot-letencrypt-wildcardcertificates-alydns-au
$ chmod 0777
2: Configuration
If the domain.ini file does not contain your root domain name, please add it yourself.
(2) DNS API key:
What does this API key mean? Since you need to operate Alibaba Cloud DNS and Tencent Cloud DNS records through the API, you need to obtain the API key from the domain name service provider, and then configure it in the file:
(3) Select the operating environment
Currently, the tool supports five operating environments and scenarios, which are called through hook files and parameters:
Choose any hook shell (including corresponding parameters) according to your own server environment and domain name service provider. See below for specific usage.
3: Apply for a certificate
Test for errors:
$ ./certbot-auto certonly -d * --manual --preferred-challenges dns --dry-run --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
Debug: You may encounter a series of problems when operating the DNS API, such as insufficient API token permissions. If you encounter related problems, you can check /var/log/certd.log.
Important explanation: --manual-auth-hook and --manual-cleanup-hook have three parameters:
For example, if you want to choose the Python environment, you can change the --manual-auth-hook input to "/script directory/ python aly add", and --manual-cleanup-hook input to "/script directory/ python aly clean"
After confirming that it is correct, actually run (remove the --dry-run parameter):
# 实际申请
$ ./certbot-auto certonly -d * --manual --preferred-challenges dns --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
Parameter explanation (you don’t need to worry about it):
If you want to apply for wildcard certificates for multiple domain names (combined into one certificate, also called SAN wildcard certificate ), just enter multiple -d parameters directly, for example:
$ ./certbot-auto certonly -d * -d * -d --manual --preferred-challenges dns --dry-run --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
1: Renew all certificates on the machine
$ ./certbot-auto renew --manual --preferred-challenges dns --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
2: Renew a certain certificate
First look at how many certificates there are on the machine:
$ ./certbot-auto certificates
You can see many certificates, as shown in the figure:
Remember the certificate name, such as, and then run the following command refresh:
$ ./certbot-auto renew --cert-name --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
Edit the file /etc/crontab:
1 1 */1 * * root certbot-auto renew --manual --preferred-challenges dns --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
If the certbot machine is the same machine that runs web services (such as nginx, apache), then after successfully renewing the certificate, you can start the corresponding web server and run the following crontab:
# 注意只有成功renew证书,才会重新启动nginx
1 1 */1 * * root certbot-auto renew --manual --preferred-challenges dns --deploy-hook "service nginx restart" --manual-auth-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly add" --manual-cleanup-hook "/脚本目录/ php aly clean"
Note: It is only recommended to run this way on a single machine. If you want to synchronize the certificate to multiple web servers, you need another solution. Currently under development, the main purpose is to synchronize the certificate to the cluster server.
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