Spout.NET is a C# .NET Implementation for Spout2, A video frame sharing system for Windows.
You can install Spout.NET from NuGet.
Install-Package Spout.NET
Please notice that Spout.NET
requires NuGet 3.3
or higher (in other words, PackageReference
). If your project uses packages.config
, please migrate your packages to PackageReference.
The API of this mapping library is completely consistent with the Spout SDK, so you can refer to the Spout SDK Documentation for development. You can use Marshal Class to avoid unsafe code.
Create an .NET Framework Console project.
Re-target the build config to x64
Add the following nuget packages.
Install-Package Spout.NET
Turn on Allow Unsafe Code
in project config.
Put the following code into Program.cs
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using OpenGL;
using Spout.Interop;
namespace SpoutTest
class Program
static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
using (DeviceContext deviceContext = DeviceContext.Create()) // Create the DeviceContext
IntPtr glContext = IntPtr.Zero;
glContext = deviceContext.CreateContext(IntPtr.Zero);
deviceContext.MakeCurrent(glContext); // Make this become the primary context
SpoutSender sender = new SpoutSender();
sender.CreateSender("CsSender", 640, 360, 0); // Create the sender
byte[] data = new byte[640 * 360 * 4];
int i = 0;
fixed (byte* pData = data) // Get the pointer of the byte array
while (true)
for (int j = 0; j < 640 * 360 * 4; j+=4)
data[j] = i == 0 ? byte.MaxValue : byte.MinValue;
data[j + 1] = i == 1 ? byte.MaxValue : byte.MinValue;
data[j + 2] = i == 2 ? byte.MaxValue : byte.MinValue;
data[j + 3] = byte.MaxValue;
Console.WriteLine($"Sending (i = {i})");
pData, // Pixels
640, // Width
360, // Height
true, // B Invert
0 // Host FBO
Thread.Sleep(1000); // Delay
if (i < 2) i++;
else i = 0;