Free Web Books
This is my personal collection of free tcp/ip web http(s) books, feel free to share and read.
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Books and materials are only for personal learning and use, and the copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact me! (Books and materials are only for personal learning and use, and the copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, please contact me! Contact me! )
List of Books
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- The best introduction to TCP/IP: Internet principles and applications [Download]
- Illustrated TCP_IP_Version 5[Download]
- TCP-IP Detailed Explanation Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 Collection: Protocol [Download]
- [Tracking Linux.TCP/IP code execution: based on 2.6 kernel] [Download]
- Illustrated HTTP [Download]
- The Definitive Guide to HTTP[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to HTTPS[Download]
- Learning HTTP/2 [Download]
- Illustrated Cryptographic Techniques 3rd Edition[Download]
- openssl-cookbook-Chinese version[Download]
- Large website technical architecture: core principles and case analysis[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to Web Performance[Download]
- High Performance Website Building Guide[Download]
- Enterprise Application Architecture Patterns[Download]
- High_Performance_Browser_Networking [Download]
- HTML_and_CSS_Design_and_Build_Websites [Download]
- Head First HTML and CSS Chinese version [Download]
- Head First JavaScript Chinese version [Download]
- Head First Jquery Chinese version [Download]
- Head First Ajax Chinese version[Download]
- Head First Web Design Chinese Version
- Head First HTML5 Programming (Chinese version)[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to HTML5[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to JavaScript 6e [Download]
- Wutou JavaScript [Download]
- JavaScript core concepts and practices[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 [Download]
- The Definitive Guide to jQuery (2nd Edition) [Download]
- In-depth understanding of PHP: advanced techniques, object-oriented and core technologies (Original book 3rd edition)
- Head First WordPress Chinese version [Download]
- Apache Cookbook [Download]
- Apache-2.2-Chinese manual [Download]
- httpd-docs-2.4.12.en [Download]
- Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook [Download]
- O'Reilly - Apache The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition [Download]
- Panoramic analysis of Apache source code[Download]
- The Definitive Guide to Tomcat (Second Edition) [Download]
- The Definitive Guide to Tomcat (English version) [Download]
- How Tomcat Works Chinese version[Download]
- How Tomcat Works English version[Download]
- An in-depth analysis of Tomcat [Download]
- Algorithm and implementation of garbage collection[Download]
- In-depth understanding of Java virtual machine[Download]
- Nginx tutorial from entry to mastery[Download]
- Practical Nginx [Download]
- Nginx Cookbook [Download]
- Nginx Implementation Cookbook [Download]
- In-depth understanding of Nginx module development and architecture analysis[Download]
- In-depth understanding of Nginx module development and architecture analysis 2nd edition [Download]
- Nginx module development guide usage[Download]
- OpenResty-Best-Practices [Download]
- c1000K [Download]
- Alibaba Cloud Load Balancing FAQ [Download]
- Web Developer's Roadmap
- Front-end self-study learning route
- Front-end navigation | GitHub front-end learning resources
- CSS tricks that web developers should master
- Some interesting CSS animation effects and learning resources
- Blog
- SimbaJS's personal space_Bilibili
- JavaScript Tutorial
- ES6 Tutorial
- Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- 33 concepts every JavaScript engineer should know
- Front-end advanced accumulation
- Saeyu's blog
- Vue official website
- Vue.js online challenge platform
- React official Chinese documentation
- TypeScript Chinese website
- TypeScript Tutorial
- Bootstrap Chinese website
- BootCDN - Bootstrap Chinese website open source project free CDN acceleration service
- Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
- Apache ECharts
- PPChart - Make charts simpler
- Web front-end interview
- - Front-end quizzes to improve front-end development capabilities
- Gixy: Nginx configuration static analyzer
- nginx config file formatter/beautifier written in Python with no additional dependencies.
- nginx-tutorial, nginx minimalist tutorial