A powerful .NET Restful Http client, supports interceptor, message conversion, Get, Post, Put, Delete, file upload, file download, Proxy, Https certificate verification
Target Framework | Version | Yes/No |
.NET | 8.x | Yes |
.NET | 7.x | Yes |
.NET | 6.x | Yes |
.NET | 5.x | No |
.NET Core | 3.x | No |
.NET Core | 2.x | No |
.NET Standard | 2.1 | No |
.NET Standard | 2.0 | No |
.NET Standard | 1.x | No |
.NET Framework | All | No |
dotnet add package RetrofitNet
public interface IPersonService
Response<TokenModel> GetJwtToken([FromForm] AuthModel auth);
Response<IList<Person>> Get();
Response<Person> Add([FromBody] Person person);
Response<Person> Get([FromPath] int id);
Response<Person> Update([FromPath] int id, [FromBody] Person person);
Response<Person> Delete([FromPath] int id);
Response<dynamic> GetBaiduHome();
using Retrofit.Net.Core;
using Retrofit.Net.Core.Models;
var client = new RetrofitClient.Builder()
.AddInterceptor(new HeaderInterceptor())
var retrofit = new Retrofit.Net.Core.Retrofit.Builder()
var service = retrofit.Create<IPersonService>();
Response<TokenModel> authResponse = service.GetJwtToken(new AuthModel() { Account = "admin", Password = "admin" });
Response<IList<Person>> response = await service.Get();
Response<Person> response = await service.Add(new Person { Id = 1,Name = "老中医",Age = 18});
var response = service.Update(1, new Person() { Name = "Charlie" });
var response = service.Delete(1);
public class SubmitEntity
public string Name { get; set; }
public FieldFile File { get; set; }
// You can upload multiple files including parameters like this
// public FieldFile File2 { get; set; }
// for more File3,File4...
var response = service.Submit(new SubmitEntity{
Name = "老中医",
File = new FieldFile{ FilePath = "/Users/onllyarchibald/Downloads/icon_unlocked.png" }
…you can find more examples code here.
Define your api:
Task<Response<Stream>> Download([FromQuery]string arg1);
Response<Stream> response = await service.Download("test");
After getting the http reactive stream, you can store it,like this:
Response<Stream> response = await service.Download("test");
Stream outStream = File.Create("/Users/onllyarchibald/Desktop/a.zip");
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int i;
i = response.Body!.Read(buffer,0,buffer.Length);
if(i > 0)outStream.Write(buffer,0,i);
}while(i > 0);
Console.WriteLine("File download completed...");
The screenshot below uses the ShellProgressBar plugin. Please see the code for details.
…you can find more examples code here.
application/json -> [FromBody]
multipart/form-data -> [FromForm]
Here you can configure 'interceptor', 'timeout', 'response' converter. like this:
var client = new RetrofitClient.Builder()
.AddInterceptor(new HeaderInterceptor()) // Add Interceptor
.AddInterceptor(new SimpleInterceptorDemo()) // ...
.AddTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) // The default wait time after making an http request is 6 seconds
var retrofit = new Retrofit.Net.Core.Retrofit.Builder()
.AddBaseUrl("https://localhost:7283") // Base Url
.AddConverter(new DefaultXmlConverter()) // The internal default is ‘DefaultJsonConverter’ if you don’t call ‘.AddConverter(new DefaultJsonConverter())’
you can find more examples code here.
The response for a request contains the following information.
public class Response<T>
// Http message
public string? Message { get; internal set; }
// Response body. may have been transformed, please refer to Retrofit.Builder.AddConverterFactory(...).
public T? Body { get; internal set; }
// Http status code.
public int StatusCode { get; internal set; }
// Response headers.
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>>? Headers { get; internal set; }
When request is succeed, you will receive the response as follows:
Response<IList<Person>> response = await service.Get();
For each http request, We can add one or more interceptors, by which we can intercept requests 、 responses and errors.
... RetrofitClient.Builder()
.AddInterceptor(new YourCustomInterceptor())
public class SimpleInterceptorDemo : ISimpleInterceptor
public void OnRequest(Request request)
Debug.WriteLine($"REQUEST[{request.Method}] => PATH: {request.Path}");
public void OnResponse(Response<dynamic> response)
Debug.WriteLine($"RESPONSE[{response.StatusCode}] => Message: {response.Message}");
Advanced interceptors can be implemented by inheriting the IAdvancedInterceptor interface. Then I will tell you through an example of token renewal
public class HeaderInterceptor : IAdvancedInterceptor
public Response<dynamic> Intercept(IChain chain)
// Get token from local file system
string? token = null;
if(File.Exists("token.txt"))token = File.ReadAllText("token.txt");
// Add token above
Request request = chain.Request().NewBuilder()
.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}")
Response<dynamic> response = chain.Proceed(request);
if(response.StatusCode == 401)
// Get a new token and return
// The way to get the new token here depends on you,
// you can ask the backend to write an API to refresh the token
request = chain.Request().NewBuilder()
.AddHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer <new token>")
// relaunch!
response = chain.Proceed(request);
return response;
In all interceptors, you can interfere with their execution flow. If you want to resolve the request/response with some custom data,you can call return new Response<dynamic>();
public Response<dynamic> Intercept(IChain chain)
return new Response<dynamic>();
allows the request/response data to be changed before it is sent/received to the server. I have implemented a DefaultXmlConverter
and DefaultJsonConverter
as the default converter. If you want to customize the conversion of request/response data, you can define a class that inherits'IConverter' and replace DefaultJsonConverter
by setting .AddConverter(new YourCustomConverter())
public class DefaultJsonConverter : IConverter
// value: Data returned from the server
// type: The return type of the interface you declared
// return value: What type do you want to convert to? Here is to convert the json returned by the server /// to the interface return type you defined
public object? OnConvert(string from, Type to)
if(from is null)return from;
if (to == typeof(Stream))return from;
if (to?.Namespace?.StartsWith("System") is not true)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(from.ToString() ?? "",to!);
return from;
you can find more examples code here.
This open source project authorized by https://github.com, and the license is MIT.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.