ipc fn
'ipc-fn' Inter Process Communication is a simple to use. Allows you to easily run part of the code as a background process.
npm install ipc-fn
'use strict';
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
function print(input) {
script: __filename,
command: 'print',
pid: process.pid,
arguments: Array.from(arguments)
exports.print = print;
function shutdown() { process.exit(); }
exports.shutdown = shutdown;
process.on('exit', function () { console.log('Exit: ' + workerName); });
'use strict';
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
var ipc = require('./index.js');
var cp = require("child_process");
var fork = cp.fork('./child.js');
var child = ipc.childInterface(require('./child.js'), fork);
script: __filename,
pid: process.pid,
arguments: Array.from(arguments)
setTimeout(function () { child.shutdown(); }, 10000);
'use strict';
var wt = require('worker_threads');
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
var ipcPort = 8021;
var workerName = '';
//#region IPC functions
function print(input) {
workerName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread,
ipcPort: ipcPort,
arguments: Array.from(arguments)
exports.print = print;
function shutdown() { process.exit(); }
exports.shutdown = shutdown;
if (wt.isMainThread) {
workerName = 'MainThread ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread
var worker1 = new wt.Worker('./test_net.js', { workerData: 'server' });
var worker2 = new wt.Worker('./test_net.js', { workerData: 'client' });
var worker3 = new wt.Worker('./test_net.js', { workerData: 'client' });
var fns = ipc.netInterface(exports, ipcPort);
setTimeout(function () { fns.print("Main thread test. " + workerName); }, 100);
setTimeout(function () { fns.shutdown(); }, 10000);
else {
workerName = 'Worker ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread,
workerData: wt.workerData,
ipcPort: ipcPort
if (wt.workerData === 'server') {
if (ipcPort) { ipc.netBackground(exports, ipcPort); }
if (wt.workerData === 'client') {
if (ipcPort) {
var fns = ipc.netInterface(exports, ipcPort);
setTimeout(function () { fns.print("Client test. " + workerName); }, 100);
process.on('exit', function () { console.log('Exit: ' + workerName); });
'use strict';
var wt = require('worker_threads');
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
var workerName = '';
//#region IPC functions
function print(input) {
workerName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread,
arguments: Array.from(arguments)
exports.print = print;
function shutdown() { process.exit(); }
exports.shutdown = shutdown;
if (wt.isMainThread) {
workerName = 'MainThread ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread
var worker = new wt.Worker('./test_worker.js');
var methods = ipc.workerInterface(exports, worker);
setTimeout(function () { methods.print("Main thread test. " + workerName); }, 100);
setTimeout(function () { methods.shutdown(); }, 10000);
else {
workerName = 'Worker ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread
process.on('exit', function () { console.log('Exit: ' + workerName); });
'use strict';
var wt = require('worker_threads');
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
var broadcastChannelName = 'test_broadcast';
var workerName = '';
//#region IPC functions
function print(input) {
console.log('Print: ', {
workerName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread,
arguments: Array.from(arguments)
exports.print = print;
function shutdown() {
console.log('Shutdown: ' + workerName);
exports.shutdown = shutdown;
if (wt.isMainThread) {
workerName = 'MainThread ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread
var bc = ipc.broadcast(exports, broadcastChannelName);
var worker1 = new wt.Worker('./test_broadcast.js');
var worker2 = new wt.Worker('./test_broadcast.js');
setTimeout(function () { bc.print("Main thread test. " + workerName); }, 100);
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () { process.exit(); }, 100);
}, 10000);
else {
workerName = 'Worker ' + wt.threadId + '/' + process.pid;
console.log('Start: ', {
threadName: workerName,
isMainThread: wt.isMainThread
var bc = ipc.broadcast(exports, broadcastChannelName);
setTimeout(function () { bc.print("Client test. " + workerName); }, 100);
process.on('exit', function () { console.log('Exit: ' + workerName); });
'use strict';
var http = require('http');
var Url = require('url');
var port = 8080;
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
var Worker = require('worker_threads').Worker;
// Opens the URL in the default browser.
function openBrowser(nr) {
var url = 'http://localhost:8080/?nr=' + nr;
var start = (process.platform == 'darwin' ? 'open' : process.platform == 'win32' ? 'start' : 'xdg-open');
require('child_process').exec(start + ' ' + url);
exports.isPrime = function isPrime(number, callback) {
let startTime = new Date();
let endTime = new Date();
let isPrime = true;
for (let i = 3; i < number; i++) {
//it is not a prime break the loop,
// see how long it took
if (number % i === 0) {
endTime = new Date();
isPrime = false;
if (isPrime) endTime = new Date();
"number": number,
"isPrime": isPrime,
"time": endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime()
exports.shutdown = function shutdown() { process.exit(); }
var code = `
var ipc = require('ipc-fn');
exports.isPrime = ${exports.isPrime};
exports.shutdown = ${exports.shutdown};
function isPrime_Worker(nr, callback) {
var worker = new Worker(code, { eval: true });
var fns = ipc.workerInterface(exports, worker);
fns.isPrime(nr, function (response) { callback(response); });
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var url = Url.parse(req.url, true);
isPrime_Worker(url.query.nr, function (response) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
openBrowser(2367949); //(16 ms)
openBrowser(93686687); //(500 ms)
openBrowser(936868033); //(4 seconds)
Copyright (c) 2021 Manuel Lõhmus [email protected]