The application allows us to manage the office seats, thanks to this we will know the people there that day and where are they seated so we don't end up with no seats available.
After loging in with your credentials, a very intuitive screen will appear where you can choose your seat and day of reservation, you can also book meeting rooms and mini private rooms to concentrate in your own.
The starting point to be able to use this application is to download the project locally, to do so we must use the following command:
git clone
cd OfficeManager
Now we have the project locally, to have it ready to run we must execute the following:
cd OfficeManagerApp
npm install
To start the project we execute the following:
npm run dev
In this section we are going to see some characteristics that our project has:
To access the application with our user we must log in with our credentials.
Here, the users will be able to manage their seats, it is an interface quite intuitive, it shows us a calendar where we can select the day of the booking, it will show us how many seats are free and how many are occupied, and a map of the office where we will select the seat or room we want.