- Creating a model to predict next 3 day stock prices using historical data.
- Sentiment analysis on the news/twitter related to a particular stock.
- Comparing two or more companies based on their industry.
- Search engine to make use of information retrieval techniques for searching.
- Making a web application to produce comprehensive reports and compile the findings.
Work Done
- Prediction Module
- The model takes closing price and volume traded of all four currencies for 60 time periods and suggests if we should buy or sell LITECOIN, 3 time periods into the future.
- Final model which will take in 5 years of stock data and twitter sentiments as input giving future prices/suggestions on buying or selling for the stock.
- Sentiment Analysis Module
- First step was to build a model to check for polarity of a single tweet
- Using the twitter feed of the stock as input
- The feed is the processed by a classifier (glob) and its polarity is decided
- The the percentage of positive negative or neutral tweets is plotted in the form of a bar graph.
- Integrating news
- Detailed quantitative sentiment analysis (Eg - Innovation for Tech)
- Visualisation Module
- Create a portal for the investors where they can find analytics, news, about the company.
- Display a chart showing the time series plot of close price of the company.
- Show parameters like Market Cap, Book value, sales growth and other detail specific to company.
- Display fundamental analysis of the company which includes Balance Sheets, P&L balances, Cash Flows of the company.
- Show recent news / Announcement made by the company
- Comparison Module
- comparison between two or more stocks based on stock price - visualisation done
- comparison between two or more stocks based on returns and growth rate
- Comparison based on capital asset pricing model
- Comparison dependent on visualisation module
- Search Engine Module
- The prototype takes query from user and gives it to the IR system.
- The IR system evaluates the query and output the top results from the database.
- The key point to note here is that this is not a simple query-result case of RDBMS system but here we have unstructured data and based on the evaluation results of IR system we get the results.
- Autocomplete using Edit Distance
- Wildcard queries
Our main project resides in visualization module of the master branch.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes
What things you need to install the software
virtualenv [If no anaconda present]
Good internet connection : For retrieving data from APIs
Installing Anaconda will be better as most of the dependencies will be taken care of.
Installing and running
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Clonning the repository on your machine
git clone
Building a virtual environment and starting the environment (If no anaconda installed)
virtualenv env
For windows : envScriptsactivate.bat
For linux : source env/bin/activate
Installing requirements
cd visualization
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Running the project
python3 runserver
Open browser window and in new tab go to link
Ayush Dosajh - Sentiment Module
Ganesh Singh - Prediction Module
Gulshan Singh - Search Engine Module
Mayank Singh - Visualization Module
Sangamesh Kotalwar - Comparison Module
We are highly indebted to Mr. Manish Hurkat and Mr. Bhavesh Sangwan for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.
We acknowledge that any work that I submit for assessment at NIIT University:
- Must be all my own work, unless this requirement is specifically excluded when part of a designated group assignment.
- Must not have been prepared with the assistance of any other person, except those permitted within University guidelines or the specific assessment guidelines for the piece of work.
- Has not previously been submitted for assessment at this University or elsewhere.