Command bars provide users with easy access to your app's most common tasks. Unite aims to provide this in a clean and accessible interface for all users.
I have also made it free and open source so if you would like to request any more features, or add them in yourself, you can check out the github page. You can also raise issues here for me aswell.
Github Link
Using this command bar, you can quickly access your most common tasks. Controlling your tabs can all be done here without even needing to use your mouse. You can also use the command bar to quickly access your most commonly used apps such as youtube, google, and more.
The app also provides quick commands such as clearing your tabs, muting, and even opening the chrome:// pages.
In the future I am planning to add more features such as sending a message to a friend, or even a screenshot of your current tab for sharing. I would also like to add a way to add your own custom commands for your own use.
Opening Unite can be done by pressing ⌘ Command+Shift+K on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+U on Windows. You can change the shortcut by going to chrome://extensions/shortcuts in Chrome. Also, if you cannnot use the command for some reason, you can also open it by pressing the app button on the top bar.
Closing the app can be done by either clicking on the background, pressing Esc or by pressing the icon on the topbar.
If you find the app useful and want to support me, you can do so by support me on Product Hunt, giving the repo a star on Github, or by following me on twitter. The links to all can be found below: