Once you have installed the requirements: ./dev/setup.sh
To start everything in dev mode :
The first time you run ./dev/startup.sh
, producer will propagate channels under ./packages/producer/src/producer.ts
to populate the database
By default, in dev mode video-worker
is launched with Pm2 with 3 instances.
It avoids to spam dev logs with all other services.
To get video-worker
logs run pm2 monit
, you will be able to inspect each instance.
Each service may be found under ./packages
Each one has a specific role.
ElasticSearch, Kibana, Redis and Redis commander are run with docker-compose
, see ./docker/dev.yaml
The producer will send new channel to scrap to the Channel Redis Queue.
lerna run --scope @findmytube/producer dev --stream
Channel worker will take channel from the Channel Redis Queue then it will fetch video of the channel to send them to the Video Redus Queue.
lerna run --scope @findmytube/channel-worker dev --stream
Video worker will take video from the Video Redis Queue then it will scrap each transcript of each video and save them to ElasticSearch.
lerna run --scope @findmytube/video-worker dev --stream
Replace dev
by start
to have one instance of video-worker
and get the logs right from your terminal without Pm2
It's a cronjob (for production) to force other services to scrap new video of each channel already saved.
lerna run --scope @findmytube/cron-channel-producer dev --stream