The ideas and code of this project come from the open source projects DerekYRC/mini-spring and code4craft/tiny-spring. After studying, expanding, and supplementing them, I wrote articles to summarize my experience and share them with readers to learn the Spring source code together. Many thanks to the contributors to the open source project. Readers can also learn together and gain learning experience from different perspectives.
Open source projects and excellent books ;
Brother Fu is a front-line Internet Java engineer and architect. He has developed transaction and marketing projects, implemented operations and event projects, designed middleware, organized system reconstruction, and written technical patents. Not only is he engaged in the development of business systems, he also often does the design and implementation of some bytecode instrumentation classes. He has rich experience in the design and implementation of architecture. While he is passionate about the Java language, he also likes to study repeaters, I/O boards, C# and PHP. He is an active technical tormentor. ✏️ Wormhole · Technology Stack, blogger, author of the book "Relearning Java Design Patterns"
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Knowledge Planet : Will coders lock themselves up?
to communicate with colleagues and make progress together. This warehouse is for the purpose of learning Spring source code. Through handwriting a simplified version of the Spring framework, you can understand the core principles of Spring. Go -> Detailed introduction
During the handwriting process, the Spring source code will be simplified, the core logic in the overall framework will be extracted, the code implementation process will be simplified, and core functions will be retained, such as: IOC, AOP, Bean life cycle, context, scope, resource processing and other content implementations.
, the reason why I started reading the Spring source code is mainly because when writing the "Interview Manual", the Spring source code involved would be written with a lot of text descriptions, lengthy process drawings, and a lot of content preparation, but It is still very difficult for newcomers to learn this part of the content directly, so now in order to give me and more partners a抓手
for learning, let’s study together what a happy planet is!
This column is about practical coding materials. During the learning process, you need to combine the goals to be solved in each chapter of the article, design ideas, and bring them into the coding practical process. While learning coding, it is also best to understand why this part of the content is implemented in this way, what design pattern it uses, and what means are used to achieve what kind of separation of responsibilities. Only through such learning can you better understand and master the implementation process of Spring source code, and it can also help you lay a solid foundation for future in-depth study and practical application.
In addition, the learning of this column is combined with design patterns, and the lower part corresponds to SpringBoot middleware design and development. Therefore, if readers encounter design patterns they do not understand during the learning process, they can read the corresponding materials. After learning Spring, they can Practice with the content of middleware.
Source code : The source code involved in this column has all been integrated into the current project and can be matched one by one with the corresponding case source code in the chapter. You can run the entire project directly after you get it, or you can open and run the source code project corresponding to each chapter separately.
If you encounter any problems during the learning process, including: inability to run, optimization suggestions, text errors, etc., you can submit an issue, or you can contact the author:小傅哥
’s WeChat, fustack
In the content writing of the column, each chapter provides clear design drawings and corresponding class diagrams, so during the learning process, you must not only care about how the code is written, but more importantly, understand how the content of these designs is derived. In this process, all the core contents of the Bean life cycle are continuously realized, as shown below:
Spring Bean life cycle |
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难度【★☆☆☆☆】第01 章:开篇介绍,我要带你撸Spring 啦!
难度【★☆☆☆☆】第02 章:小试牛刀,实现一个简单的Bean容器
难度【★☆☆☆☆】第03 章:初显身手,运用设计模式,实现Bean 的定义、注册、获取
难度【★★☆☆☆】第04 章:崭露头角,基于Cglib实现含构造函数的类实例化策略
难度【★★☆☆☆】第05 章:一鸣惊人,为Bean对象注入属性和依赖Bean的功能实现
难度【★★☆☆☆】第06 章:气吞山河,设计与实现资源加载器,从Spring.xml解析和注册Bean对象
难度【★★★★☆】第07 章:所向披靡,实现应用上下文,自动识别、资源加载、扩展机制
难度【★★★☆☆】第08 章:龙行有风,向虚拟机注册钩子,实现Bean对象的初始化和销毁方法
难度【★★★☆☆】第09 章:虎行有雨,定义标记类型Aware接口,实现感知容器对象
难度【★★★☆☆】第10 章:横刀跃马,关于Bean对象作用域以及FactoryBean的实现和使用
难度【★★★★☆】第11 章:更上层楼,基于观察者实现,容器事件和事件监听器
难度【★★★★☆】第12 章:炉火纯青,基于JDK和Cglib动态代理,实现AOP核心功能
难度【★★★★★】第13 章:行云流水,把AOP动态代理,融入到Bean的生命周期
难度【★★★☆☆】第14 章:笑傲江湖,通过注解配置和包自动扫描的方式完成Bean对象的注册
难度【★★★☆☆】第15 章:万人之敌,通过注解给属性注入配置和Bean对象
The author of this book,
, spent 50 days and extracted 22 real business scenarios from the actual business development of the Internet, such as transactions, marketing, flash sales, middleware, source code, etc., and wrote a 180,000-word, 271-page practical Java Programming materials. If the book contains content that is difficult to understand, it must be that the author lacked necessary description and strict calibration during the writing process. Thank you for submitting your opinions or questions to me. You are also welcome to interact with me more to make progress and grow together.
This is the only time on the entire network that I will teach you how to build wheels and write middleware step by step, because this kind of technology is the closest to P7, the closest to architects, and the closest to high salaries! There are 16 middleware implementations in the booklet, including a total of 30 code libraries including test projects. Each chapter will correspond to the design and implementation of a middleware. In order to facilitate readers to quickly and effectively learn the technical content in the booklet, the booklet contains Each chapter covers; opening guidance, demand background, solution design, technical implementation, test verification and conclusion at the end of the article.
The book has a total of 5 chapters and 29 sections, 417 pages and 115,000 words, and took 4 months to complete. Covers data structure, algorithm logic, concurrent programming, JVM, resume and interviews with major Internet companies, etc. But this book is not just an interview question, nor is it an eight-legged essay. Instead, it starts from a simple mathematical knowledge point related to programmers, and explains the core technology of Java in depth. And each chapter is equipped with source code that has been verified by practice, so you can compare it and play together to get a better feel!
It's embarrassing to say that publishing a book is a bit inflated. After all, this is not the process of a publishing house, including topic selection, manuscript compilation, editing, review, processing, and publication. But the book totals 107 pages, 117,000 words, 20 chapters covering the use of three bytecode frameworks (ASM, Javassist, Byte-buddy) and JavaAgent and comes with a complete set of case source codes!
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The purpose of this group is to provide everyone with a good platform for technical learning and exchange, so no advertising! Since the WeChat group cannot be joined after it reaches 100 members, please scan the QR code below to add the author "Brother Xiao Fu" on WeChat (fustack) first. Note: Spring学习加群
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Precipitate, share and grow, focus on original special cases, share knowledge in the easiest way to learn programming, so that yourself and others can gain something. The topics that have been completed so far include; Netty4.
In the process of data collection, I found two excellent handwritten Spring framework source codes, tiny-spring and mini-spring. These two simplified versions of the Spring framework have implemented a very easy-to-understand, easy-to-learn, and easy-to-use source code tutorial. , if you already have a certain foundation, you can directly read the source code to learn. address: