In addition, all content is first launched on my personal WeChat public account CodeSheep . You can pay attention to it. You can long press or scan the little heart below to get more original articles that are pragmatic, understandable, and reproducible . In addition, you can also scan the QR code to ask questions/join the group for communication ! ! !
The practice of Guava Cache local caching in Spring Boot applications
Practical combat of EVCache caching in Spring Boot
Spring Boot application caching practice: Ehcache blessing
Spring Boot integrates MyBatis and SQL Server practice
The practice of Elasticsearch search engine in Spring Boot
Make your own elasticsearch-spring-boot-starter
Spring Boot project uses MyBatis Generator to automatically generate data layer code
Mybatis-Plus is so easy to use (country love blessing)
Use the artifact BTrace to track online Spring Boot application runtime information
Spring Boot application monitoring practice
Spring Boot Admin 2.0 unboxing experience
Exploring the three-body structure behind the @SpringBootApplication annotation in SpringBoot
Exploring the SpringBoot application startup process
How to make a Spring Boot Starter and push it to the remote public server
Authorization system design based on Spring Security and JWT
SSO single sign-on + JWT permission control practice based on Spring Security Oauth2
Spring Boot project integrates the global unique ID generator UidGenerator
Spring Boot project integrates global unique ID generator Vesta
Spring Boot’s elegant coding: Lombok blessing
Spring Boot application Dockerization
Spring Boot hot deployment support
Implement image upload/watermark operation based on Spring Boot
From Spring Boot to SpringMVC
Application of natural language processing toolkit HanLP in Spring Boot
Spring Boot applications are deployed in external Tomcat containers
A preliminary exploration of Kotlin + Spring Boot joint programming