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The entire series of articles is about Java concurrency . Firstly, it is my own interest. Secondly, this part is very difficult to understand in practice. In addition, it is often asked during the interview process. Therefore, during the learning process, I recorded the basic knowledge related to Java concurrency. First, I can establish a system for my knowledge, and I also hope that it will be useful to others.
About Java concurrency topics:
(1) Contains the basic knowledge of concurrency, and each title links to a specific article;
(2) Contains interview questions for autumn recruitment. Understanding them will help you gain something (and I hope everyone can find your favorite job:) )
(3) During the reading process, if it is helpful, please give me a thumbs up, which is an encouragement for my persistence in coding.
Note: Please indicate the original source when reprinting, thank you!
basic knowledge
1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of concurrent programming
Knowledge points: (1) Why use concurrency? (Advantages); (2) Disadvantages of concurrent programming; (3) Confusing concepts
1.2 Thread status and basic operations
Knowledge points: (1) How to create a new thread; (2) Thread state conversion; (3) Basic operations of threads; (4) Daemon thread;
Concurrency Theory (JMM)
Java memory model and happens-before rules
Knowledge points: (1) JMM memory structure; (2) Reordering; (3) happens-before rules
Concurrency keyword
3.1 Let you fully understand Synchronized
Knowledge points: (1) How to use synchronized; (2) monitor mechanism; (3) synchronized happens-before relationship; (4) synchronized memory semantics; (5) lock optimization; (6) lock upgrade strategy
3.2 Let you fully understand volatile
Knowledge points: (1) Implementation principle; (2) Derivation of happens-before relationship; (3) Memory semantics; (4) Implementation of memory semantics
3.3 Do you think you really understand final?
Knowledge points: (1) How to use; (2) final reordering rules; (3) final implementation principle; (4) final references cannot "overflow" from the constructor (this escape)
3.4 Summary of three major properties: atomicity, orderliness, and visibility
Knowledge points: (1) Atomicity: synchronized; (2) Visibility: synchronized, volatile; (3) Orderliness: synchronized, volatile
Lock system
4.1 First introduction to Lock and AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (AQS)
Knowledge points: (1) Comparison between Lock and synchronized; (2) AQS design intent; (3) How to use AQS to implement custom synchronization components; (4) Overridable methods; (5) Template methods provided by AQS;
4.2 In-depth understanding of AbstractQueuedSynchronizer (AQS)
Knowledge points: (1) Data structure of AQS synchronization queue; (2) Exclusive lock; (3) Shared lock;
4.3 Understand ReentrantLock again
Knowledge points: (1) The implementation principle of reentrant lock; (2) The implementation principle of fair lock; (3) The implementation principle of unfair lock; (4) Comparison between fair lock and unfair lock
4.4 In-depth understanding of read-write lock ReentrantReadWriteLock
Knowledge points: (1) How to represent read and write status; (2) Acquisition and release of WriteLock; (3) Acquisition and release of ReadLock; (4) Lock degradation strategy; (5) Generating Condition waiting queue; (6) Application scenarios
4.5 Detailed explanation of Condition’s await and signal waiting/notification mechanisms
Knowledge points: (1) Characteristics compared with Object’s wait/notify mechanism; (2) Methods corresponding to Object’s wait/notify; (3) Underlying data structure; (4) Await implementation principle; (5) Signal/signalAll implementation principle; (6) Combination of await and signal/signalAll;
4.6 LockSupport tool
Knowledge points: (1) Main functions; (2) Characteristics compared with synchronized blocking wake-up;
concurrent container
5.1 Concurrent container ConcurrentHashMap (JDK version 1.8)
Knowledge points: (1) key attributes; (2) important internal classes; (3) involved CAS operations; (4) construction methods; (5) put execution process; (6) get execution process; (7) expansion mechanism ; (8) Execution process of the method for counting size; (9) Comparison between version 1.8 ConcurrentHashMap and previous versions
5.2 CopyOnWriteArrayList of concurrent container
Knowledge points: (1) Implementation principle; (2) The difference between COW and ReentrantReadWriteLock; (3) Application scenarios; (4) Why there is weak consistency; (5) Disadvantages of COW;
5.3 ConcurrentLinkedQueue of concurrent container
Knowledge points: (1) Implementation principle; (2) Data structure; (3) Core method; (4) Design intention of HOPS delayed update
5.4 ThreadLocal of concurrent container
Knowledge points: (1) Implementation principle; (2) Set method principle; (3) Get method principle; (4) Remove method principle; (5) ThreadLocalMap
An article that explains the ThreadLocal memory leak problem in depth from the source code.
Knowledge points: (1) ThreadLocal memory leak principle; (2) ThreadLocal best practices; (3) Application scenarios
5.5 BlockingQueue of concurrent container
Knowledge points: (1) Basic operations of BlockingQueue; (2) Commonly used BlockingQueue;
Detailed explanation of the implementation principles of ArrayBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingQueue in concurrent containers
Thread pool (Executor system)
6.1 Thread pool implementation principle
Knowledge points: (1) Why use thread pool? (2) Execution process; (3) The meaning of each parameter of the constructor; (4) How to close the thread pool; (5) How to configure the thread pool;
6.2 ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor of thread pool
Knowledge points: (1) Class structure; (2) Common methods; (3) ScheduledFutureTask; (3) DelayedWorkQueue;
6.3 Summary of basic operations of FutureTask
Knowledge points: (1) Several states of FutureTask; (2) get method; (3) cancel method; (4) application scenarios; (5) implementing the Runnable interface
Atomic operation class
7.1 Summary of atomic operation classes in the atomic package in Java
Knowledge points: (1) Implementation principle; (2) Atomic update basic type; (3) Atomic update array type; (4) Atomic update reference type; (5) Atomic update field type
Concurrency tools
8.1 In plain English, Java concurrency tool classes-CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier
Knowledge points: (1) CountDownLatch; (2) CyclicBarrier; (3) Comparison between CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier
8.2 Java concurrency tool classes in vernacular - Semaphore, Exchanger
Knowledge points: (1) Resource access control Semaphore; (2) Data exchange Exchanger
Concurrency practice
9.1 An article that allows you to thoroughly understand the producer-consumer issue
JAVA Concurrency Knowledge Graph
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