This project is a simple educational query system. I hope this small hands-on project can help everyone become familiar with the integrated development of SSM.
Use technology
IOC container: Spring
Web framework: SpringMVC
ORM framework: Mybatis
Security Framework: Shiro
Data source: C3P0
Log: log4j
Front-end framework: Bootstrap
Get started quickly
1. Operating environment and required tools
- Compiler: IntelliJ IDEA
- Project build tool: Maven
- Database: Mysql
- JDK version: jdk1.8
- Tomcat version: Tomcat8.x
2. Initialize project
- In your Mysql, create a database with the database name examination_system and import the .sql file I provided,
- Enter src/main/resources to modify the configuration file and change the database login name and password to your local ones.
- Use IntelliJ IDEA to import the project, select the Maven project option, and click next all the way. After importing the project, if the src directory, etc. are not displayed, do not rush to use Maven to build the project first.
- In IntelliJ IDEA, configure our Tomcat, and then add the project built with Maven to Tomcat
- run
- Login account
- Administrator account: admin
- Teacher account: 1001
- Student account: 10001
- The passwords are: 123
Function module introduction
1. Login module function
Use the Shiro permission management framework to implement login verification and storage of login information, distribute permission roles according to different login accounts, and set roles for different page URLs
2. Administrator module function
Administrators can add, delete, modify, and check teacher information, student information, and course information. Administrator accounts can reset the passwords of non-administrator accounts.
- Course management: When a course has already been successfully selected by students, it cannot be deleted.
- Student management: When adding student information, their information will also be added to the login form
- Teacher management: Same as above
- Account password reset:
- Change password:
3. Teacher module function
After the teacher logs in, he can obtain the list of courses taught by him and grade the students who have already chosen the course. Secondary operations cannot be performed on students who have already given scores.
- my courses
- Change password
4. Student module function
After students log in, they can obtain the courses they have chosen and the courses they have completed based on their information.
- All courses: Take elective courses here. After selecting, you will automatically jump to the selected course options.
- Selected courses: What is shown here are courses that have not been completed yet, that is, the teacher has not yet given grades. Since the grades have not been given yet, you can withdraw from the course here.
- Courses taken: Shows courses that have been completed and the teacher has given grades
- Change password: