It has the following features:
Cross-cluster: Multiple clusters can be managed at the same time, transparent to users.
Early warning function: early warning and processing for production or consumption accumulation, failure, abnormality and other situations.
Simple and clear: user view - direct display of topology, traffic, consumption status and other indicators; administrator view - cluster operation and maintenance, monitoring, process approval, etc.
Security: user isolation, operation approval, data security.
More features are under development.
The following figure briefly describes the general functions of MQCloud:
User topic list - different users see different topics, and administrators can manage all topics
Topic details - divided into three pieces of basic information, today's process, topology
Production details
Consumption details
Specific consumption details of a certain consumer - you can query retry messages and dead messages
Message consumption
cluster discovery
Cluster management
Cluster traffic
Create broker
MQCloud QQ communication group: 474960759
Please refer to the wiki for usage instructions.