Netty demos. (Netty case collection)
Demos of Netty 4.x User Guide "Netty 4.x User Guide"/"Netty Principle Analysis and Development Practice", the example source code used in the article.
The related technologies and versions involved are as follows.
- Netty 4.1.52.Final
- Jackson 2.10.1
- JUnit 5.5.2
Included examples are as follows:
- Java standard I/O implements Echo server and client
- Java NIO implements Echo server and client
- Java AIO implements Echo server and client
- Netty implements Echo server and client
- Netty implements discard server
- Netty implements time server
- Java ByteBuffer use cases
- Netty ByteBuf use case
- Three usage modes of Netty ByteBuf
- Netty implements connectionless protocol Echo server and client
- Java thread pool example
- Java Reactor Example
- Custom newline-based decoder
- TCP client
- Custom encoder
- Custom codec
- Implement heartbeat mechanism
- Object serialization based on Netty
- Jackson-based JSON serialization
- SSL/TSL-based two-way authentication Echo server and client
- HTTP-based web server
- HTTP/2 based web server and client
- WebSocket-based chat room
- lite-monitoring
- lite-monitoring-ui
- Being sorted out...
supporting books
- Open source book "Netty 4.x User Guide"
- Official publication "Netty Principle Analysis and Development Practice"