Data Structures and Algorithms
Clean example implementations of data structures and algorithms written in different languages.
List of implementations
Algorithms list
Contributions are always welcome. Language doesn't matter. Just make sure you're implementing an algorithm.
PRs are welcome. To begin developing, follow the structure:
If there is an implementation of the same algorithm in your language, add your username in front of the file name. E.g., if the already existing algorithm is binary_sort and your user name is my_name, just name the new file as 'my_name_binary_sort'.
Please include a description for the algorithm that you are implementing. It doesn't matter if it's copied from somewhere as long as it helps people that are learning new algorithm.
Graphical examples would be very helpful too.
Don't forget to include tests.
Don't remove previous implementations of algorithms. Just add a new file with your own implementation.
Beautify and cleanup your code for easier reading.
Curated list of resources dealing with algorithms.
- Introduction to algorithms
- Algorithms and Data structures
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- Algorithm Design
- Grokking Algorithms
- Algorithms
- Competitive Programming 3
- 10 Best Data Structures and Algorithms Books
- Algorithms and Data Structures -Emaxx
- All Good Tutorials on Codeforces
- DS & Algo + Maths + C++
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Algorithms - Tutorials point
- Algorithms - Princetone edu
- Data structures and algorithms - Hackr
- Data science - Topcoder
- Fundamentals Of Algorithms- Geeks For Geeks
- Visual Algorithm - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
- Java Algorithms - Geeks For Geeks
- Data Structure and Algorithms Visualization
- Best Data structures and algorithms Tutorials - Coursesity
Online classes (Free)
- Coursera
- Introduction to algorithms Part 1
- Algorithms specialization 4 courses
- Khan Academy
- Udacity
- Computability, Complexity & Algorithms
- Intro to algorithms
- EdX
- Algorithms
- Algorithms and data structures
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Graph Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Algorithmic Design and Techniques
- String Processing and Pattern Matching Algorithms
- Graph Algorithms in Genome Sequencing
- Algorithms and Data Structures Capstone
- Stony Brook University
- Skiena's algorithms lectures
- Scaler
- Data Structure and algorithm
Online classes (paid)
- Udemy
- The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
- Learning Algorithms in JavaScript from Scratch
Coding Practice Sites
- HackerRank
- HackerEarth
- TopCoder
- CodeChef
- Codeforces
- Project Euler
- LeetCode
- CodingGame
- CodeWars
- InterviewBit
- TechGig
- Careercup
- AtCoder
- Codejam
- Exercism
- freeCodeCamp
- CodingBat
- CodeGround
- CoderByte
- Geeks For Geeks
- Kattis
- Codility
- Edabit
- CodingNinjas
- PrepBytes
To the extent possible under law, Zoran Pandovski has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.