"The Way to Cultivation as a Java Engineer"
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Content introduction
Follow-up plan
This book was originally planned to have a chapter dedicated to big data development technology. After all, more and more companies are building their own big data platforms, and big data technology has gradually become a necessary skill for Java engineers. However, I have little experience in this area and I feel that I am not able to export knowledge to others, so I put this part aside for the time being.
Gradually open source some of the content in this project and add some new content.
- Zookeeper was originally intended to be included in the big data chapter, but now it will be added as a section on data storage.
- The asynchronous responsive web framework will be supplemented in the development framework chapter, mainly Vert.x, supplemented by Spring Flux.
- Redis adds new version features and adds how to use Redis to implement distributed locks.
- Kafka adds features from the latest version, especially Kafka Streams and Exactly One semantics.
- Elasticsearch is updated based on version 5.0.
- Supplement coroutines to concurrent programming.
- Supplement Netty to network programming.
- Using Hystrix for resource isolation and current limiting will be added to the Java development tool.
- Supplement the use of RxJava in Java development tools.
- Supplement the Java10 and Kotlin parts to the new Java version features.
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