aws bedrock streamlit
| ? Under heavy construction ?
streamlit run
Add query parameter "debug" ans assigned as "true
" in the URL. E.g.: http://localhost:8501/?debug=true.
streamlit run --server.runOnSave true
Add query parameter "profile" and assigned as the name of the profile in the URL. E.g: http://localhost:8501/?profile=default
Verify the query parameter "debug" is set in the URL:
if st.query_params.get('debug'):
# Show debug information widget
The AWS credential will assigned in the sidebar and stored as a Streamlit's Session State, fetch by calling st.session_state['aws_session']
then create low-level client from that:
# E.g.: Create a S3 client
s3 = st.session_state['aws_session'].client('s3')