This project demonstrates how to integrate a Slack bot with a Large Language Model (LLM)-based chatbot using Google's Gemini model. The integration allows for intelligent and context-aware communication directly within Slack.
The Slack bot is built using Python and Flask and is integrated with an LLM-powered chatbot utilizing the Gemini model. This setup enables the bot to process user inputs in Slack channels and respond intelligently based on the latest data engineering information.
Libraries Used: slack_sdk, slack_bolt Functionality: The bot listens for app_mention events triggered when someone mentions the bot in a Slack channel. Configuration: Tokens and secrets are securely loaded from a .env file using environment variables
Flask App: The Flask app handles incoming HTTP requests from Slack.
Event Processing: Slack events are processed through Flask using SlackRequestHandler from the slack_bolt.adapter.flask module.
Gemini Model: The Gemini model, provided by Google's Generative AI platform, processes and responds to queries.
Python Package: The google.generativeai package is used to interact with the Gemini model, allowing for prompt-based queries.
Configuration: Tokens are securely loaded from a .env file using environment variables for geminiai api.
ngrok Usage: ngrok provides a public URL that forwards requests to the local Flask application, enabling Slack to communicate with the bot. Setup Command: ngrok http 6060 is used to expose the Flask app to the internet.
The integration results in a Slack bot capable of performing advanced data analysis and responding intelligently to user queries within Slack.