This repository contains a practical example about how to build a Q&A app capable of answering questions related to your private documents using the GenAI AWS services.
Previously, I built a Q&A app using Azure OpenAI GPT-4 and Pinecone (you can find it in here).
In this repository I will built exactly the same app but using only AWS services (+ Streamlit for the UI).
To be more precise, the app has the following architecture:
And it uses the following technologies:
This repository contains the following app:
app, which allow us to query the data stored in AWS Kendra using one of the available AWS Bedrock LLM models.The private documents are being stored in an s3 bucket.
The Kendra Index is configured to use an s3 connector. The Index checks the s3 bucket every N minutes for new content. If new content is found in the bucket, it gets automatically parsed and stored into Kendra database.
When a user runs a query through the Streamlit
app, the app follows these steps:
If instead of using the Streamlit
app, you prefer to execute step by step the instructions for setting up the RAG pattern, you have a Jupyter notebook (/notebooks/rag-with-langchain.ipynb
) that will precisely allow you to do this.
The Streamlit
app makes heavy use of the LangChain
library to implement the RAG pattern. If you prefer not to use any third-party libraries and set up the RAG pattern solely with the boto3
library, you have a second Jupyter notebook (/notebooks/rag-with-only-boto3.ipynb
) that will allow you to do this.
In the /infra
folder, you'll find a series of Terraform files that will create every AWS services required for the proper functioning of the app.
These Terraform files will create the following resources:
There are a few prerequisites that you should be aware of before attempting to run the application.
In the "Model Access" section, you have an overview of which LLMs you have access to and which ones you do not.
To fully use this application, you must have access to every AWS Bedrock third-paty LLMs.
is setup to retrieve the AWS credentials from the default
profile of the AWS config file on your local machine.For an overview of the multiples approaches for configuring boto3
credentials, go to the following link:
Before trying to run the app, read the AWS Infrastructure and the Prerequisites section.
The repository has a .env
file that contains the environment variables that the app requires to run successfully:
Change the values accordingly.
pip install -r requirements.txt
When you install Streamlit
, a command-line (CLI) tool gets installed as well. The purpose of this tool is to run Streamlit
To execute the app, just run the following command:
streamlit run
This repository has a
in case you prefer to execute the app on a container.
docker build -t aws-rag-app .
docker run -p 5050:5050
-e KENDRA_INDEX="<kendra-index>"
-e AWS_BEDROCK_REGION="<bedrock-region>"
-e AWS_KENDRA_REGION="<region-where-kendra-index-is-deploy>"
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<aws-access-key>"
-e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<aws-secret-access-key>"
to make it compatible with the latest Bedrock changes.boto3
and botocore3
wheel files. A boto3
compatible with Bedrock is finally publicly available.