An interactive chess application that leverages GenAI models hosted on Amazon Bedrock, featuring both 2D and 3D user interfaces and IoT connectivity options.
This project enables users to:
Install dependencies:
pnpm i
Create the Stockfish binary:
pnpm create-stockfish-binary
Bootstrap your AWS account:
pnpm cdk bootstrap
Deploy the application:
pnpm cdk deploy
pnpm deploy-virtual
For IoT deployment run instead
pnpm cdk deploy -c iotDevice=true
orpnpm deploy-physical
Log in to your AWS account
Configure the Amazon Cognito User Pool:
Access the Application:
Create a New Session:
Start a Game:
View the Game:
The Chess Game Manager is an AWS IoT Greengrass component that orchestrates the physical execution of chess moves in an AI-powered chess game. It acts as a bridge between cloud-based AI models and physical hardware (smart chessboard and robotic arms), ensuring moves are properly validated and executed.
You can follow these instructions to deploy it to your AWS IoT Greengrass Core Device.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.