Still not convinced? Experience its power firsthand with this interactive demo.
How does it compare to other search libraries? Test out for yourself with this interactive benchmark ;)
ss-search is available on npm. Install it with:
npm install ss-search
import { search } from 'ss-search'
const data = [
number: 1,
text: 'A search function should be fast',
number: 2,
text: 'A search function should provide accurate results',
const searchKeys = ['text']
const searchText = 'fast search'
const results = search(data, searchKeys, searchText)
// results: [{ number: 1, text: "A search function should be fast" }]
It's that straightforward. No configurations, it just works.
Almost all data types are supported [boolean, number, string, object, array].
// This dataset will be used as a common starting point for our type examples
const data = [
boolean: true,
number: 1,
string: 'search',
object: { nestedProperty: 'nested value' },
array: ['value1', 'value2'],
arrayObjects: [{ arrayObjectProperty: 'array object value' }],
const results = search(data, ['boolean'], 'true')
// results: will return our original dataset
const results = search(data, ['number'], '1')
// results: will return our original dataset
const results = search(data, ['string'], 'search')
// results: will return our original dataset
Providing a key which refers to an object will stringify that object using JSON.stringify
const results = search(data, ['object'], 'property')
// results: will return our original dataset as it matches the property key "nestedProperty" of our object
If you want to access a nested property of an object to extract only a single value
const results = search(data, ['object.nestedProperty'], 'property')
// results: will return an empty array as we extracted the value of our nested object
// if we had searched for "nested value" we would of had the original dataset
Providing a key which refers to an array will stringify that array using JSON.stringify
const results = search(data, ['array'], 'value2')
// results: will return our original dataset
If you have an array of objects on which you want to search all properties
const results = search(data, ['arrayObjects'], 'arrayObjectProperty')
// results: will return an our original dataset as it's treated just like a regular array
// thus the arrayObjectProperty is part of the searchable text
If you have an array of objects where you want only specific properties to be searchable
const results = search(data, ['arrayObjects[arrayObjectProperty]'], 'arrayObjectProperty')
// results: will return an empty array as we extracted the value of our nested array of objects
// if we had searched for "value object" we would of had the original dataset
functionCustomize your search experience using the following options:
Option parameter | Value | Description |
withScore |
true |
When set to true , the search function will return an array of objects, each containing the matched element and its corresponding score. The score represents how closely the element matches the search text, with a higher score indicating a closer match. Even if the search doesn't match, it will return a score of 0. |
withScore |
false |
When set to false or not provided, the function will return an array of matched elements without their scores. |
Without withScore
const data = [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'Jane' }, { name: 'Doe' }]
const result = search(data, ['name'], 'John')
console.log(result) // [{ name: 'John' }]
With withScore
const data = [{ name: 'John' }, { name: 'Jane' }, { name: 'Doe' }]
const result = search(data, ['name'], 'John', { withScore: true })
// [
// { element: { name: 'John' }, score: 1 },
// { element: { name: 'Jane' }, score: 0 },
// { element: { name: 'Doe' }, score: 0 }
// ]
To better manage dependencies across the monorepo I'm using NX.
Install dependencies:
npm i
Start the web-app:
npm run web-app:serve
Test the library:
npm run test:all