Gloogle is a search engine, able to query the entirety of the Gleam ecosystem! Search for a function or a type, and let the magic happen!
First beta version is available!
Some features are already implemented, and some others are still on the roadmap!
, in:name
, in:signature
# Initialise the DB.
yarn backend:db:init
# Reset the DB when you need.
yarn backend:db:reset
# apps/backend/.mise.local.toml
# Used in env variables mainly.
# Default server options.
PORT = 3000
# Local database.
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://gloogle:gloogle@localhost:5432/gloogle?sslmode=disable"
# Used to access hex API.
HEX_API_KEY = "xxxxx"
# Used to crawl starsgazers.
GITHUB_TOKEN = "xxxxx"
If Gloogle please you, you can also contribute! Pull Requests are welcome!
Open an issue on the repo! That would be extremely helpful!
All rights for Lucy (the gleam mascott) belongs to their creators. Every Lucy will be removed upon demands.
This project can have lived thanks to Louis Pilfold, who did an amazing work on Gleam Packages, that has been used as a foundation. All credits for libraries used goes to the brilliant, vibrant gleam community. ?