Amperage is a theme for static site generator GoHugo. This theme provides the following features:
You can use the exampleSite
provided to bootstrap your new project:
git clone
mkdir -p new-site/themes/amperage
mv amperage/exampleSite/* new-site
mv amperage/* new-site/themes/amperage
cd new-site
hugo serve
You can check out all the components of this theme here and a fully functional website using Amperage here by yours truly.
# Default language if you have a multi-language setup
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
baseURL = ""
theme = "amperage"
pygmentsUseClasses = true
# Number of posts shown per page
paginate = 10
# Language sections
contentDir = "content"
languageName = "English"
languageCode = "en"
title = "Amperage theme ⚡"
description = "This is an example page for the Amperage theme!"
weight = 1
contentDir = "content/spanish"
languageName = "Español"
languageCode = "es"
title = "Tema Amperage ⚡"
description = "Esta es una página de ejemplo para el tema Amperage!"
weight = 2
# Menu elements
identifier = "hugo"
name = "Hugo"
url = ""
weight = 10
identifier = "github"
name = "GitHub"
url = ""
weight = 10
# Enable only tags taxonomy
tag = "tags"
copyright = "Amperage" # Name shown on footer copyright
themeColor = "#333" # Theme color displayed on mobile browsers
# Default AMP components for the whole site
ampElements = ["amp-analytics", "amp-social-share", "amp-install-serviceworker", "amp-iframe"]
# Google Analytics code
googleAnalytics = "UA-128498798-1"
# Adsense publisher code
adsensePublisher = "ca-pub-123456789"
# Comments Iframe URL
commentsEmbedUrl = ""
# Social sites for metatags
facebookSite = "example"
twitterSite = "@example"
# Structured data elements
socialProfiles = ["","",""]
alternatePageName = "Amperage example"
organizationLogo = "/logo.png"
organizationName = "Asur"
publisherName = "amperage"
publisherLogo = "/logo-amp-article.png"
publisherLogoWidth = 600
publisherLogoHeight = 60
# Generate json to use as search index
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "SearchIndex"]
mediaType= "application/json"
baseName= "search"
isPlainText= true
notAlternative= true
# Enable unsafe mode to be able to use HTML on markdown
unsafe = true
To override the default logo add the svg markup on the partial layouts/partials/header/logo.html
To override default styles just add the file assets/custom.scss
to your project and it will be transpiled, minified and appended automatically. Default styles only weight 5KB (including code highlighting), that leaves you with 45KB to further customize the theme.
To enable cross-domain service worker you need to override the file static/install-sw.html
On the menu you can set internal and external links. To set external links you can use the config.toml
identifier = "hugo"
name = "Hugo"
url = ""
weight = 10
identifier = "github"
name = "GitHub"
url = ""
weight = 10
If you want to display a page from your own site on the menu you need to add to the frontmatter of that page:
name = "Your title for the menu"
weight = 20
This distinction is important because the service worker needs to identify the internal URLs so it can eager load them.
To enable ads you need to have an approved Adsense publisher code. Once you get one set it in the config.toml
adsensePublisher = "ca-pub-123456789"
Now you can use the amp-ad
{{< amp-adsense
slot="123456789" >}}
Due to AMP requirements the comments need to be hosted in a domain different from the original. Amperage is ready to receive a URL to embed comments at the end of every post. This is to achieve a degree of agnosticy for the comment system.
Remember that to resize the iframe containing the comment box you need to send a message to the amp sentinel with the new height:
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
sentinel: 'amp',
type: 'embed-size',
}, '*');
If you want to integrate your own comment service Amperage will add the parameters id
and url
to the request so you can use them on the iframe, in case you need a unique id. An example for Disqus:
var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
var disqus_config = function () { = urlParams.get('url'); = urlParams.get('id');
What I personally recommend is to use a new Github Pages project and refer it from your main site. Here you can see a fully functional example using Disqus.
If you have a feature request or have found a bug feel free to open a new issue.