[e ɛs ti pæθ] n.
Ⅰ. A command-line utility for querying Python ASTs using XPath syntax.
ⅠⅠ. A better way of searching through your codebase.
Finding all usages of the eval
$ astpath ".//Call/func/Name[@id='eval']" | head -5
./rlcompleter.py:136 > thisobject = eval(expr, self.namespace)
./warnings.py:176 > cat = eval(category)
./rexec.py:328 > return eval(code, m.__dict__)
./pdb.py:387 > func = eval(arg,
./pdb.py:760 > return eval(arg, self.curframe.f_globals,
Finding all numbers:
$ astpath ".//Num" | head -5
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:31 > here = 0
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:41 > while 1:
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:57 > elif text[end:end+1] == '(':
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:82 > args[1:],
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:96 > argspec = object[0] or argspec
... that are never assigned to a variable:
$ astpath ".//Num[not(ancestor::Assign)]" | head -5
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:41 > while 1:
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:57 > elif text[end:end+1] == '(':
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:201 > assert 0, "Could not find method in self.functions and no "
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:237 > self.send_response(200)
./DocXMLRPCServer.py:252 > logRequests=1, allow_none=False, encoding=None,
... and are greater than 1000:
$ astpath ".//Num[not(ancestor::Assign) and number(@n) > 1000]" | head -5
./decimal.py:959 > return 314159
./fractions.py:206 > def limit_denominator(self, max_denominator=1000000):
./pty.py:138 > return os.read(fd, 1024)
./whichdb.py:94 > if magic in (0x13579ace, 0x13579acd, 0x13579acf):
./whichdb.py:94 > if magic in (0x13579ace, 0x13579acd, 0x13579acf):
Finding names longer than 42 characters:
$ astpath "//Name[string-length(@id) > 42]"
./site-packages/setuptools/dist.py:59 >_patch_distribution_metadata_write_pkg_info()
./site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py:1759 > updater=clear_and_remove_cached_zip_archive_directory_data)
./test/test_reprlib.py:268 > module = areallylongpackageandmodulenametotestreprtruncation
./test/test_argparse.py:2744 > MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed):
Finding except
clauses that raise a different exception class than they catch:
$ astpath "//ExceptHandler[body//Raise/exc//Name and not(contains(body//Raise/exc//Name/@id, type/Name/@id))]" | head -5
./hashlib.py:144 >except ImportError:
./plistlib.py:89 > except KeyError:
./plistlib.py:103 > except KeyError:
./nntplib.py:868 > except ValueError:
./argparse.py:1116 > except KeyError:
Finding beginnings of unreachable code blocks:
$ astpath "//body/*[preceding-sibling::Return or preceding-sibling::Raise][1]"
./unittest/test/testmock/testhelpers.py:381 > class Foo(object):
./test/test_deque.py:16 > yield 1
./test/test_posix.py:728 > def _create_and_do_getcwd(dirname, current_path_length = 0):
Finding candidates for replacement with sum
$ astpath -A 1 "//For/body[AugAssign/op/Add and count(child::*)=1]" | head -6
./functools.py:374 > for item in sorted_items:
./functools.py:375 key += item
./statistics.py:177 > for d, n in sorted(partials.items()):
./statistics.py:178 total += Fraction(n, d)
./pstats.py:512 > for calls in callers.values():
./pstats.py:513 nc += calls
Finding classes matching a regular expression:
$ astpath "//ClassDef[re:match('.*Var', @name)]" | head -5
./typing.py:452 > class TypeVar(_TypingBase, _root=True):
./typing.py:1366 > class _ClassVar(_FinalTypingBase, _root=True):
./tkinter/__init__.py:287 > class Variable:
./tkinter/__init__.py:463 > class StringVar(Variable):
./tkinter/__init__.py:485 > class IntVar(Variable):
can also be imported and used programmatically:
>>> from astpath import search
>>> len(search('.', '//Print', print_matches=False)) # number of print statements in the codebase
It is recommended that astpath
be installed with the optional lxml
dependency, to allow full use of the XPath query language.
To do so,
pip install astpath[xpath]
Alternatively, a no-dependency version using Python's builtin XPath subset can be installed via
pip install astpath
supports both Python 2.7 and 3.x.
module documentation for Python 2.7 and Python 3.X.bellybutton
, a fully-featured linting engine built on astpath