A web crawler is a bot program that fetches resources from the web for the sake of building applications like search engines, knowledge bases, etc. Sparkler (contraction of Spark-Crawler) is a new web crawler that makes use of recent advancements in distributed computing and information retrieval domains by conglomerating various Apache projects like Spark, Kafka, Lucene/Solr, Tika, and pf4j. Sparkler is an extensible, highly scalable, and high-performance web crawler that is an evolution of Apache Nutch and runs on Apache Spark Cluster.
Sparkler is being proposed to Apache Incubator. Review the proposal document and provide your suggestions here here Will be done later, eventually!
To use sparkler, install docker and run the below commands:
# Step 0. Get the image
docker pull ghcr.io/uscdatascience/sparkler/sparkler:main
# Step 1. Create a volume for elastic
docker volume create elastic
# Step 1. Inject seed urls
docker run -v elastic:/elasticsearch-7.17.0/data ghcr.io/uscdatascience/sparkler/sparkler:main inject -id myid -su 'http://www.bbc.com/news'
# Step 3. Start the crawl job
docker run -v elastic:/elasticsearch-7.17.0/data ghcr.io/uscdatascience/sparkler/sparkler:main crawl -id myid -tn 100 -i 2 # id=1, top 100 URLs, do -i=2 iterations
1. Follow Steps 0-1
2. Create a file name seed-urls.txt using Emacs editor as follows:
a. emacs sparkler/bin/seed-urls.txt
b. copy paste your urls
c. Ctrl+x Ctrl+s to save
d. Ctrl+x Ctrl+c to quit the editor [Reference: http://mally.stanford.edu/~sr/computing/emacs.html]
* Note: You can use Vim and Nano editors also or use: echo -e "http://example1.comnhttp://example2.com" >> seedfile.txt command.
3. Inject seed urls using the following command, (assuming you are in sparkler/bin directory)
$bash sparkler.sh inject -id 1 -sf seed-urls.txt
4. Start the crawl job.
To crawl until the end of all new URLS, use -i -1
, Example: /data/sparkler/bin/sparkler.sh crawl -id 1 -i -1
Any questions or suggestions are welcomed in our mailing list [email protected] Alternatively, you may use the slack channel for getting help http://irds.usc.edu/sparkler/#slack