duck duck scrape
npm install duck-duck-scrape
- yarn add duck-duck-scrape
Search from DuckDuckGo and utilize its spice APIs for things such as stocks, weather, currency conversion and more!
const DDG = require('duck-duck-scrape');
const searchResults = await'node.js', {
safeSearch: DDG.SafeSearchType.STRICT
// DDG.stocks('aapl')
// DDG.currency('usd', 'eur', 1)
// DDG.dictionaryDefinition('happy')
noResults: false,
vqd: '3-314...',
results: [
title: 'Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript...',
url: '',
bang: {
prefix: 'node',
title: 'node.js docs',
domain: ''
import { search, SafeSearchType } from 'duck-duck-scrape';
// import * as DDG from 'duck-duck-scrape';
const searchResults = await search('node.js', {
safeSearch: SafeSearchType.STRICT