Dr. Angela Yu's course, 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp, aims to create fluent and well-rounded Python developers by exposing them to a wide array of Python programming concepts and techniques for 100 days straight. After completing the course, although I didn't complete it within the 100 days, I can confidently say that this was undoubtedly the best online course I've ever taken. Not only did I learn Python from zero-to-hero, but I was also taught things that most other courses skip over such as, but not limited to:
The importance of understanding the underlying theory behind the code we write
How to learn effectively and efficiently, and continue to grow your skills
How to comply with industry best practices and standards as related to Python development
I would highly recommend this course to anyone that I know that is considering learning Python, or somebody who is even just considering learning to code in general. The knowledge that this course supplied opened doors for me and accomplished a life goal of mine that I wasn't sure that I'd ever accomplish. For a full list of concepts and techniques covered in the course, please see the course syllabus, or visit the course on Udemy.
? Local setup instructions and the requirements.txt
file are included in each project, if you'd like to try any for yourself.
? Completed on Feb 9, 2023.
? If anyone needs help with the course, please feel free to contact me on Telegram.
While this repository's filesystem contains the project files that I completed for all 100 days of the course, below are the links the projects that were the most interesting/signifigant to me throughout the course:
All projects require Python
version >= 3.9
and the packages in their corresponding package requirements to run.
: Tip Calculatorday005
: Password Generatorday007
: Hangmanday008
: Caesar Cipherday011
: Blackjackday016
: Coffee Machineday017
: Quizday018
: Hirst Paintingday019
: Turtle Raceday021
: Snake Gameday022
: Pongday025
: U.S. States Gameday026
: Nato Phonetic Alphabetday028
: Pomodoroday030
: Advanced Password Managerday031
: Flashcardday033
: ISS Notifierday034
: Quizzlerday036
: Stock Alertday039
: Cheap Flights Finder w/ GUIday046
: Spotify Time Machineday047
: Amazon Price Trackerday048
: Cookie Clicker Automationday052
: Instagram Follower Botday053
: Zillow Web Scraperday056
: harrisonschick.com - Personal Websiteday057
: FinWeek - Stock News Websiteday059
: Harrison's Developer Blog - CRUD Webappday062
: Coffee & Wifi - CRUD Webappday063
: Virtual Bookshelf - CRUD Webappday064
: My Top 10 Movies - CRUD Webappday080
: Housing Price Predictions - Data Science Capstone Projectday083
: CLI TicTacToe Gameday084
: Markit - Image Watermarking Softwareday089
: Disappearing Text Webappday092
: Custom Web Scraper - Taapi.ioday093
: Google Dinosaur Game Automationday094
: Space Invaders with Pygameday095
: Custom API Based Website - Portfolio Analytics Dashboardday097
: Custom Automation Project - Daily Stock Portfolio Reportday100
: Predict Earnings using Multivariate Regression