A tool to publish to the web easily. Use secure methods to automate things programmers & designers spend several hours putting together. When installed on your server, pagecarton will help you publish contents to the internet. pagecarton is a fully-functional platform to publish, maintain and structure content for web. It even does more with plugins and themes. It is pretty much good for all kinds of web and app projects. Being fully extensible, you could even do more with pagecarton through Plugins, Modules, Layout Templates, Styles and much more. For more information, see the pagecarton website at http://www.pagecarton.org
pagecarton is free and OpenSource software distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
Legal information about pagecarton:
Installation instructions is available on http://www.pagecarton.org/download
More about configuration:
In pagecarton, the appearance of your site is set by the layout (themes) (themes are extensions that set fonts, colors, and layout). pagecarton core comes with some themes. More themes are available for download, and you can also create your own custom theme. Go to http://themes.pagecarton.org/ for more.
When you need new functionality for your pagecarton site, search for existing contributed modules. Create new custom modules only when nothing existing comes close to what you need. Create new themes and customize your pagecarton install. Join the pagecarton Community on http://www.pagecarton.org/join
People intending to contribute to the pagecarton core should join the pagecarton Community via http://www.pagecarton.org/join. We use GitHub for collaboration and contribution on pagecarton Pull requests is the best way to get codes merged with core. Contributors should check out the documentation on http://docs.pagecarton.org/.
Explaining the concepts of pagecarton: https://docs.pagecarton.org/2019/01/19/explaining-the-concepts-of-pagecarton.html
Cloning pagecarton Repository for Contribution: https://docs.pagecarton.org/2019/02/13/cloning-pagecarton-repository-for-contribution.html