A framework agnostic fully unit tested client for IBM Watson Personality insights API.
For PHP 7.0+
composer require darrynten/watson-personality-insights-php
// Required config
$config = [
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password
// Get an instance
$instance = new PersonalityInsights($config);
// Add some text
$text = file_get_contents('sample.txt');
// Get the insights
$insights = $instance->getInsights();
Some things you can set
// Set standard options
// https://watson-api-explorer.mybluemix.net/apis/personality-insights-v3#!/personality45insights/profile
// Set caching of requests
// Opt in to Watson tracking (off by default)
// All config options
$config = [
'username' => $username,
'password' => $password,
'version' => $version,
'raw_scores' => $boolean,
'consumption_preferences' => $boolean,
'cache' => $boolean,
You can also add a ContentItem
* All possible content item config options. Only the `text` one is
* required.
* https://watson-api-explorer.mybluemix.net/apis/personality-insights-v3#!/personality45insights/profile
* Defaults
* id - An md5 of the text
* created - 0
* updated - 0
* contenttype - 'text/plain'
* language - en
* parentid - null
* reply - false
* forward - false
$contentConfig = [
'text' => $text, // The only required value
'id' => $string, // Is the md5 of the text if not set
'created' => $timestamp, // Is 0 if not set
'updated' => $timestamp, // Is 0 if not set
'contenttype' => $string, // `text/plain` or `text/html`
'language' => $string, // `en` or similar
'parentid' => $string, // The ID of a parent item. Null if not set
'reply' => $boolean, // Indicates if it is a reply to another
'forward' => $boolean, // Indicates if it is a forwarded text
$contentItem = new ContentItem($contentConfig);
IBM have a mode that keeps a copy of your data on their side for the apparent training of Watson. This is normally opt-out.
As this isn't explicitly made clear, we have decided to disable by default so if you do with to help Watson learn then you can do so by opting-in as outlined in the examples above.
By default this package will not allow any tracking of any kind.
This is the source of some confusion. This is a date in the format of 'YYYY-MM-DD' and Watson will use whichever version was around at that time.
Full quote
The requested version of the response format as a date in the form YYYY-MM-DD; for example, specify 2016-10-20 for October 20, 2016. The date that you specify does not need to match a version of the service exactly; the service replies with the response format whose version is no later than the date you provide. If you specify a date that is earlier than the initial release of version 3, the service returns the response format for that first version. If you specify a date that is in the future or otherwise later than the most recent version, the service returns the response format for the latest version.
You can download your credentials in a json
file, or get them from the
developer console.
Details on IBM
Test coverage is 100%, but you can also include a live API test to see if everything is working on that end. You shouldn't have to though, but it can be useful.
To do live test export
export DO_LIVE_API_TESTS=true
You must also include your real credentials.json
the root of the project (it is already in the gitignore
Which will then do the live test.
There is currently 100% test coverage in the project, please ensure that when contributing you update the tests. For more info see CONTRIBUTING.md