System Information Provider
This package provide an easy interface to get information about system it is running on.
$provider = probeProviderFactory::create();
Available methods
- getOsRelease()
- getOsType();
- getOsKernelVersion();
- getArchitecture();
- getDbVersion(PDO $connection);
- getDbInfo(PDO $connection);
- getDbType(PDO $connection);
- getTotalMem();
- getFreeMem();
- getUsedMem();
- getTotalSwap();
- getFreeSwap();
- getUsedSwap();
- getHostname();
- isLinuxOs();
- isWindowsOs();
- isBsdOs();
- isMacOs();
- getUptime();
- getPhysicalCpus();
- getCpuCores();
- getCpuPhysicalCore();
- getCpuModel();
- getCpuUsage();
- getServerIP();
- getExternalIP();
- getServerSoftware();
- isISS();
- isNginx();
- isApache();
- getPhpInfo($what = -1);
- getPhpVersion();
- getPhpDisabledFunctions();
- getPhpModules();
- isPhpModuleLoaded($module);
- getPing(array $hosts = null, $count = 2);
- getServerVariable($key);
- getPhpSapiName();
- isFpm();
- isCli();
Supported OS
Note: To get Windows System Information, you hould have php_com_dotnet.dll
enabled in your php.ini
Linux Specific methods
- getCoresPerSocket()
- getCpuinfoByLsCpu()
I don't have any special rules for it. Any help in any way will be useful.
- disk usage
- rx/tx
- processes list