ccatphp sdk
CCat PHP SDK (Cheshire cat PHP SDK) is a library to help the implementation of Cheshire Cat on a PHP Project
To install CCatPHP-SDK you can run this command:
composer require albocode/ccatphp-sdk
Initialization and usage:
use AlbocodeCcatphpSdkCCatClient;
use AlbocodeCcatphpSdkClientsHttpClient;
use AlbocodeCcatphpSdkClientsWSClient;
$cCatClient = new CCatClient(
new WSClient('cheshire_cat_core', 1865, null),
new HttpClient('cheshire_cat_core', 1865, null)
Send a message to the websocket:
$notificationClosure = function (string $message) {
// handle websocket notification, like chat token stream
// result is the result of the message
$result = $cCatClient->sendMessage(
new Message("Hello world!", 'user', []), // message body
$notificationClosure // websocket notification closure handle
Load data to the rabbit hole:
$promise = $this->client->rabbitHole($uploadedFile->getPathname(), null, null);
$promise = $this->client->rabbitHoleWeb($url, null,null);
Memory management utilities:
$this->client->getMemoryCollection(); // get number of vectors in the working memory
$this->client->getMemoryRecall("HELLO"); // recall memories by text
//delete memory points by metadata, like this example delete by source
$this->client->deleteDeclarativeMemoryByMetadata(["source" => $url]);