PHP client for cex UK's internal Ajax API.
This client was created from reverse engineering the Ajax responses when browsing the website, so it assumes a lot.
Licensed under MIT - see LICENSE.md for more info.
composer require liamja/cex
Create a new instance of the cex Client:
$cex = new cexClient();
Individual products are referred to as Boxes.
// Specify a new set of search parameters.
$searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
$searchParameters->setSearchTerm('Super Mario Bros');
// Search for boxes that match our parameters.
$boxes = $cex->searchBoxes($searchParameters);
// cexClient::searchBoxes() returns an array of LiamjacexModelsBox
foreach ($boxes as $box) {
// Get the box's unique ID.
echo $box->boxId; // 045496901738
// Get the box's name.
echo $box->boxName; // New Super Mario Bros. Wii
// Get the category the box belongs to.
echo $box->categoryName; // Wii Software
// Get the cash price.
echo $box->cashPrice; // 5.00
// Get the trade-in / exchange price.
echo $box->exchangePrice; // 8.00
// Get the sale price.
echo $box->salePrice; // 12.00
To search for stock near a location, you'll first need to search for the store.
The API will return a set of stores closest to a given latitude and longitude.
Geocoding isn't in the scope of this package, but you can lookup a location's approximate latitude and longitude using a geocoding service such as http://geocode.xyz:
// Set up a new Guzzle client solely for geocoding.
$geocodeClient = new GuzzleHttpClient([
'base_uri' => 'https://geocode.xyz/',
$response = $geocodeClient->get('Manchester, UK' . '?json=1');
$results = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContent());
// Use the geocoding results to find stores closest to Manchester.
$stores = $cex->nearestStores($results->latt, $results->longt);
To find stores closest to a longitude and latitude:
// First, you'll need the lat/long of the location you want to search.
$latitude = 52.62343240000001;
$longitude = 1.3077290999999605;
// Search for stores closest to a given location.
$stores = $cex->nearestStores($latitude, $longitude);
// cexClient::nearestStores() returns an array of LiamjacexModelsNearestStore
foreach ($stores as $store) {
// Get the store's unique ID.
echo $store->storeId; // 168
// Get the store's name.
echo $stores->storeName; // Norwich
// How far away the store is from the given location, in miles.
echo $stores->distance; // 0.47
// Opening days and times.
echo $box->timings['open']['monday']; // 9:00
echo $box->timings['close']['friday']; // 18:00
$stores = $cex->getStores();
// cexClient::getStores() returns an array of LiamjacexModelsStore
foreach ($stores as $store) {
// Get the store's unique ID.
echo $store->storeId; // 168
// Get the store's name.
echo $stores->storeName; // Norwich
// Get the store's region.
echo $stores->storeName; // East Anglia
// Search for stores closest to a given location.
$stores = $cex->nearestStores(52.62343240000001, 1.3077290999999605);
// Get the nearest store's ID.
$storeId = $stores[0]->storeId
// Search for stocked Battletoads at our nearest store.
$searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
$boxes = $cex->searchBoxes($searchParameters);
If the API returns an error, a FailureException will be thrown:
try {
$boxes = $cex->searchBoxes($searchParameters);
} catch (LiamjacexFailureException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); // "Missing search text"
echo $e->getCode(); //
echo $e->getMoreInfo(); // []
$cex = new cexClient();
// Search for 'Battleloads' titles that are in stock.
$searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
$boxes = $cex->searchBoxes($searchParameters);
// Search using their predictive search (seems better at sorting by relevancy.)
$searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
$searchParameters->setSearchTerm('Super Mario Bros');
$results = $cex->predictiveSearch($searchParameters);
// Search for stores closest to a given location.
$stores = $cex->nearestStores(52.62343240000001, 1.3077290999999605);
// Show all stores in the country.
$stores = $cex->getStores();