A convenient PHP library to render svg icons.
Get access to over 200,000 icons from more than 150 open source icon sets directly from your php files!
Thanks to Iconify ❤️
composer require yassinedoghri/php-icons
Run the following command to initialize the configuration file:
vendor/bin/php-icons init
This will prompt you to create a php-icons.php
config file in the root of your
project. See config reference for more info.
icon(string $iconKey, array $attributes)
functionUse the global icon(…)
function in your view files with the icon key
) as parameter:
: is the
icon set prefix{name}
: is the
icon nameecho icon('material-symbols:bolt');
// <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
// <path fill="currentColor" d="m8 22l1-7H4l9-13h2l-1 8h6L10 22z"/>
// </svg>
To add attributes, use the second parameter or call the attr()
echo icon('material-symbols:bolt', [
'class' => 'text-2xl',
'style' => 'color: yellow;'
// <svg class="text-2xl" style="color: yellow;" […]>…</svg>
echo icon('material-symbols:bolt')
->attr('class', 'text-2xl')
->attr('style', 'color: yellow;');
// <svg class="text-2xl" style="color: yellow;" […]>…</svg>
echo icon('material-symbols:bolt')
'class' => 'text-2xl',
'style' => 'color: yellow;'
// <svg class="text-2xl" style="color: yellow;" […]>…</svg>
Find and copy the icon keys of popular open source icon sets from Iconify's index.
When first defining icons, a placeholder (�
by default) will be displayed.
Make sure to run the scan
command to load the SVGs.
vendor/bin/php-icons scan
The scan
command will perform a static analysis of all PHP files in your
configured paths to identify icon keys ({prefix}:{name}
) and
download the corresponding icons.
Using the icon
identifier by default:
echo icon('ri:php-fill') // identified "ri:php-fill"
annotations in comments
// @icon('ri:heart-fill') --> identified "ri:heart-fill"
# @icon('ri:home-fill') --> identified "ri:home-fill"
* @icon('ri:user-fill') --> identified "ri:user-fill"
* @icon('ri:group-fill') --> identified "ri:group-fill"
Your config file is loaded by both the php-icons
CLI tool and PHPIcons class,
it should look like this:
use PHPIconsConfigPHPIconsConfig;
return PHPIconsConfig::configure()
__DIR__ . '/src'
List of paths to your source files. PHP files will be parsed and scanned for discovering the icons you have defined.
Iconify API hosts to query for downloading svg icons. Starts by querying the first host, the rest is used as backup.
Defaults to Iconify's public hosts:
["https://api.iconify.design","https://api.simplesvg.com", "https://api.unisvg.com"]
If you have custom icons, php-icons can look them up locally in your file system instead of calling for the Iconify API.
php-icons will look for {name}.svg
files in your local icon sets
Takes in an associative array with the icon set prefix as the key and its path as value.
├── heart.svg
├── rocket.svg
├── star.svg
└── user.svg
// in your config file
'custom' => '/path/to/my-custom-set',
echo icon('custom:heart');
echo icon('custom:rocket');
echo icon('custom:star');
echo icon('custom:user');
echo icon('custom:banana');
echo icon('custom:key');
Default icon set prefix to use when none is set.
With material-symbols
set as default prefix:
// this
echo icon('bolt');
// same as this
echo icon('material-symbols:bolt');
Default icon to use when an icon has not been found.
Takes in an icon key {prefix}:{name}
. If a prefix is not set, the default
prefix will be used instead.
Default icon to use when an icon has not been found in a set.
Takes in an associative array, with the key being the icon set prefix, and the value being the default icon.
String to show when icon is not found or unknown.
Defaults to �
Function or method names to match for identifying icon keys in your source files.
Defaults to ['icon']
> vendor/bin/php-icons
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| .__/|_| |_| .__/ |_|______/|_| |_|___/
|_| |_|
A convenient PHP library to render svg icons
PHPIcons, version
init i Configure PHPIcons interactively
scan s Scans source files and loads icons
Run `<command> --help` for specific help
This wouldn't have been possible without the awesome work from the Iconify team and designers that maintain the many open source icon sets.
Inspired by astro-icon, blade-icons and rector.
Code released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2024-present, Yassine Doghri (@yassinedoghri).