Simple, fast and VERY functional. minasrouter is a PHP routes component for MVC projects! It was made to abstract the RESTfull verbs
and render in a simple and easy way in the application controller.
works and processes all information in isolation, making the process easier for the developer and accelerating the development/progress of the project.
Simple, fast and VERY functional. minasrouter is a PHP routes component for MVC projects! It is designed to abstract the RESTfull (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) verbs and render them simply and easily in the application controller.
minasrouter works and processes all information in isolation, facilitating the process for the developer and accelerating the development/progress of the project.
(Yes, it really is a few minutes)
With two lines you start using routes!
Maybe you are a person who learns by watching, you can access the example folder, which contains a folders architecture example of how we use minasrouter .
You can check all tests done here. Enjoy!
minasrouter is available via Composer require
" require " {
"nicollassilva/ minasrouter " : " ^1.0 "
or run in terminal :
composer require nicollassilva/ minasrouter
To start using minasrouter , all navigation management must be redirected to your system's default route file, which will carry out the entire route processing process and return what was configured by default. Configure according to the examples below and according to your server.
To start using minasrouter , all navigation management must be redirected to your system's default route file, which will do the entire route handling process and return what was configured by default. Configure according to the examples below and according to your server.
RewriteEngine on
Options All -Indexes
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} (www.)?localhost
RewriteRule (.*) https:// %{HTTP_HOST} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !public/
RewriteRule (.*) /public/$1 [L]
RewriteEngine On
# Options All -Indexes
# Handle Authorization Header
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
# URL Rewrite
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?route=/$1 [L,QSA]
# ## Do not use the settings below if you are using developing in a local environment, use only in production.
# # WWW Redirect
# RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC]
# RewriteRule ^ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
# # HTTPS Redirect
# RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https
# RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
# RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
location / {
if ( $script_filename !~ "-f" ){
rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php?route=/ $1 break;
To start the components:
require __DIR__ . " /../vendor/autoload.php " ;
use minasrouter Router Route ;
// The second argument is optional. It separates the Controller and Method from the string
// Example: "Controller@method"
Route:: start ( " " , " @ " );
Route:: get ( " / " , function () {
// ...
// ... all routes here
// You will put all your routes before this function
Route:: execute ();
Function | Parameter | Parameter | Parameter |
get | String $uri | $callback | |
post | String $uri | $callback | |
put | String $uri | $callback | |
patch | String $uri | $callback | |
delete | String $uri | $callback | |
match | Array $httpVerbs | String $uri | $callback |
any | String $uri | $callback |
Route:: get ( ' /users ' , [ App Controllers User::class, ' index ' ]);
Route:: post ( ' /users ' , [ App Controllers User::class, ' store ' ]);
Route:: put ( ' /users/{id} ' , [ App Controllers User::class, ' update ' ]);
Route:: patch ( ' /users/{id} ' , [ App Controllers User::class, ' update ' ]);
Route:: delete ( ' /users/{id} ' , [ App Controllers User::class, ' delete ' ]);
// The router allows you to register routes that respond to any HTTP verb:
Route:: any ( ' / ' , function () {
// ...
// Sometimes you may need to register a route that responds to multiple HTTP verbs:
Route:: match ([ " GET " , " POST " ], " / " , function () {
// ...
Function | Parameter |
name | String $name |
to the | String $name |
Route:: get ( " /users/create " , function () {
// ...
})-> name ( " user.create " );
Route:: get ( " /users/2 " , function () {
// ...
})-> as ( " " );
Route:: get ( " / " , function () {
// ...
})-> name ( " web.index " );
Route:: get ( " /user/{id} " , function ( $ id ) {
echo $ id ;
})-> name ( " " );
Route:: get ( " /post/{id?} " , function ( $ id ) {
if (! $ id ) {
// ...
// ...
})-> name ( " " );
Function | Parameter | Parameter |
where | Array $params | |
whereParam | String $param | String $regex |
whereNumber | String $param | |
whereAlpha | String $param | |
whereAlphaNumeric | String $param | |
whereUuid | String $param |
Route:: get ( " /user/{id} " , [ App Controllers UserController::class, " show " ])
-> name ( " " )
-> where ([ " id " => " [0-9]+ " ]);
// whereParam is alias of where method
Route:: get ( " /profile/{slug} " , [ App Controllers UserController::class, " profile " ])
-> name ( " user.profile " )
-> whereParam ( " id " , " [0-9]+ " );
Route:: get ( " /book/{id} " , [ App Controllers BookController::class, " show " ])
-> name ( " " )
-> whereNumber ( " id " );
Working with middlewares around here is pretty easy, we just need to pass the full names of the classes or set them as global, and from there, we use their alias.
NOTE: It is important that you place all routes below. Routes above this class will not have these middlewares as global.
Route:: globalMiddlewares ([
' isLogged ' => App Middlewares isLogged::class,
' isAdmin ' => App Middlewares isAdmin::class
// ... all routes
You may use the middleware method to assign middleware to a route.
Route:: get ( " /musics " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ( " isLogged " );
Route:: get ( " /musics " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ([ " isLogged " ]);
You can assign multiple middleware to the route by passing an array of middleware names to the middleware method.
Route:: get ( " /musics " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ( " first, second " );
Route:: get ( " /movies " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ([ " first " , " second " ]);
When assigning middleware, you may also pass the fully qualified class name:
use App Middlewares VerifyCsrfToken ;
Route:: get ( " /series " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware (VerifyCsrfToken::class);
Route:: get ( " /series " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ( App Middlewares VerifyCsrfToken::class);
Sometimes you create a group of routes with middleware, but you want only one or a few routes to be without a specific middleware, you can do that.
Route:: middleware ([ ' auth ' , ' api ' ])-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( ' / ' , function () {
// All middlewares will works in this route
Route:: get ( ' /no-api ' , function () {
// Only the auth middleware works here
})-> withoutMiddleware ( ' api ' );
All methods:
Function | Parameter | ::function | ->function |
namespace | String $namespace | Yes | Yes |
prefix | String $prefix | Yes | Yes |
name | String $name | Yes | Yes |
middleware | String $middlewares | Yes | Yes |
Group methods can be called static way or normal, don't forget to call a function group to insert as routes inside the closure.
Route:: name ( " admin. " )-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " / " , function () {
// admin.index
})-> name ( " index " );
Route:: prefix ( " admin/ " )-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " /index " , function () {
// http://localhost/admin/index
})-> name ( " index " );
Route:: namespace ( " AppControllers " )-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " /user/{id} " , [ " User " , " show " ])-> name ( " show " );
// AppControllersUser
Route:: middleware ( App Middlewares isLogged::class)-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " /user/{id} " , [ " User " , " show " ])-> name ( " show " );
Route:: namespace ( " AppControllersAdmin " )
-> middleware ([ " isLogged " , " isAdmin " ])
-> name ( " admin. " )
-> prefix ( " admin " )
-> group ( function () {
// ...
You can use routes with individual middlewares within a route group.
Route:: namespace ( " isLogged " )-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " /posts " , function () {
// ...
})-> middleware ( " isAdmin " );
// ...
Maybe you are wanting a route where you ignore the group name, you can use the second parameter of the name method for that.
Route:: name ( " admin. " )-> group ( function () {
Route:: get ( " /posts " , function () {
// name: app.posts
})-> name ( " app.posts " , true );
Function | Parameter | Parameter | Parameter |
redirect | String $uri | String $redirect | Int $statusCode = 302 |
permanentRedirect | String $uri | String $redirect |
// Returns 302 status code by default.
Route:: redirect ( " /here " , " /there " );
Route:: redirect ( " /here " , " /there " , 301 );
// permanentRedirect always returns 301
Route:: permanentRedirect ( " /here " , " /there " );
// You can return an existing route
Route:: redirect ( " /index " , " web.index " );
The fallback route is responsible when there is no route registered with that url address. Whenever there is no route that was requested by the user, the fallback route will be called.
Route:: fallback ( function () {
echo ' Route error! ' ;
// ...
NOTE: Be careful if you want to redirect to an existing route, if it contains dynamic arguments, it will return the entire regex and will cause an error.
Be careful you redirect to an existing route, because if it has dynamic arguments, it will return the entire regex and error returned.
Each time the route is called and the Closure or controller method is called, you will have as a parameter an instance of minasrouter HttpRequest. If the route has dynamic parameters (mandatory or optional), they need to be passed before receiving the Request instance.
Function | Parameter | Parameter |
getParams | ||
path | ||
url | ||
fullUrl | ||
header | String $header | String $default |
hasHeader | String $header | |
ip | ||
query | ?String $query | ?String $default |
all | ?String $except | |
getMethod | ||
isMethod | String $expectedMethod |
The dynamic parameters of the route are directly passed in the method together with an instance of Request.
use minasrouter Http Request ;
Route:: get ( " / " , function ( Request $ request )) {
// ...
Route:: get ( " /user/{id} " , function ( $ id , Request $ request )) {
// ...
Route:: get ( " /posts/{slug?} " , function ( $ slug , Request $ request )) {
// ...
Route:: get ( " /book/{slug} " , function ( $ slug , Request $ request ) {
// Retrieving all dynamic parameters
print_r ( $ request -> getParams ());
The Request method is the method that has all your form data, query parameters, dynamic route parameters, and the entire request header.
The path method returns the request's path information. So, if the incoming request is targeted at http://localhost/foo/bar , the path method will return foo/bar :
$ uri = $ request -> path ();
To retrieve the full URL for the incoming request you may use the url or fullUrl methods. The url method will return the URL without the query string, while the fullUrl method includes the query string:
$ url = $ request -> url ();
$ urlWithQueryString = $ request -> fullUrl ();
You may retrieve a request header from the minasrouter HttpRequest instance using the header method. If the header is not present on the request, null will be returned. However, the header method accepts an optional second argument that will be returned if the header is not present on the request:
$ value = $ request -> header ( " Header-Name " );
$ value = $ request -> header ( " Header-Name " , " default " );
The hasHeader method may be used to determine if the request contains a given header:
if ( $ request -> hasHeader ( " Header-Name " )) {
// ...
The bearerToken method may be used to retrieve a bearer token from the Authorization header. If no such header is present, null will be returned.
$ token = $ request -> bearerToken ();
The ip method may be used to retrieve the IP address of the client that made the request to your website:
$ ipAddress = $ request -> ip ();
The query method will only retrieve values from the query string:
$ id = $ request -> query ( " id " );
If the requested query string value data is not present, the second argument to this method will be returned:
$ developer = $ request -> query ( " developer " , " Nicollas " );
You may call the query method without any arguments in order to retrieve all of the query string values.
$ query = $ request -> query ();
You can access queryString's and input data directly, how properties of the Request class.
// http://localhost/?foo=bar
$ foo = $ request -> foo ;
// <input type="text" name="title" value=" minasrouter ">
$ title = $ request -> title ;
You may retrieve all of the incoming request's input data as an array using the all method. This method may be used regardless of whether the incoming request is from an HTML form or is an XHR request. If you want to nullify some data, you can pass it as a second parameter.
$ data = $ request -> all ();
// all, except csrf_token, page
$ data = $ request -> all ( " csrf_token, page " );
The getMethod method will return the HTTP verb for the request. You may use the isMethod method to verify that the HTTP verb matches a given string:
$ httpMethod = $ request -> getMethod ();
if ( $ request -> isMethod ( ' POST ' )) {
// ...