A Composer package for PHP that adds some helpful enum traits to the glorious new PHP Enum type.
The package so far provides;
UnitEnum::valueArray(): array
method that returns all values within an Enum as an equally typed array of Enum valuesUnitEnum::valueList(string $separator = ', '): string
method that returns all values within an Enum as a comma separated list stringThe package is available on Packagist as othyn/php-enum-enhancements.
Hop into your project that you wish to install it in and run the following Composer command to grab the latest version:
composer require othyn/php-enum-enhancements
For more comprehensive usage examples, you can view the test suite. However I'll show some basic usage examples below.
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestEnum
use EnumEnhancements;
case Alpha;
case Bravo;
case Charlie;
case Delta;
case Echo;
// Results in the following being printed:
// array(5) {
// [0]=>
// string(5) "Alpha"
// [1]=>
// string(5) "Bravo"
// [2]=>
// string(7) "Charlie"
// [3]=>
// string(5) "Delta"
// [4]=>
// string(4) "Echo"
// }
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestEnum
use EnumEnhancements;
case Alpha;
case Bravo;
case Charlie;
case Delta;
case Echo;
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(34) "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo"
var_dump(TestEnum::valueList(separator: ':'));
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(30) "Alpha:Bravo:Charlie:Delta:Echo"
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestStringBackedEnum: string
use EnumEnhancements;
case Alpha = 'alpha';
case Bravo = 'bravo';
case Charlie = 'charlie';
case Delta = 'delta';
case Echo = 'echo';
// Results in the following being printed:
// array(5) {
// [0]=>
// string(5) "alpha"
// [1]=>
// string(5) "bravo"
// [2]=>
// string(7) "charlie"
// [3]=>
// string(5) "delta"
// [4]=>
// string(4) "echo"
// }
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestStringBackedEnum: string
use EnumEnhancements;
case Alpha = 'alpha';
case Bravo = 'bravo';
case Charlie = 'charlie';
case Delta = 'delta';
case Echo = 'echo';
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(34) "alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo"
var_dump(TestStringBackedEnum::valueList(separator: ':'));
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(30) "alpha:bravo:charlie:delta:echo"
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestIntBackedEnum: int
use EnumEnhancements;
case One = 1;
case Two = 2;
case Three = 3;
case Four = 4;
case Five = 5;
// Results in the following being printed:
// array(5) {
// [0]=>
// int(1)
// [1]=>
// int(2)
// [2]=>
// int(3)
// [3]=>
// int(4)
// [4]=>
// int(5)
// }
namespace AppEnums;
use OthynPhpEnumEnhancementsTraitsEnumEnhancements;
enum TestIntBackedEnum: int
use EnumEnhancements;
case One = 1;
case Two = 2;
case Three = 3;
case Four = 4;
case Five = 5;
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(13) "1, 2, 3, 4, 5"
var_dump(TestIntBackedEnum::valueList(separator: ':'));
// Results in the following being printed:
// string(9) "1:2:3:4:5"
Most development processes are wrapped up in an easy to use Docker container.
The projects .php-cs-fixer.dist.php
config contains the rules that this repo conforms to and will run against the ./src
and ./tests
For remote style enforcement there is a GitHub Action configured to automatically run phpcsfixer
For local style enforcement there is a composer script composer style
configured to run phpcsfixer
For remote testing there is a GitHub Action setup to automatically run the test suite on the main
branch or and PR branches.
For local testing there is a Docker container that is pre-built that contains an Alpine CLI release of PHP + PHPUnit + xdebug. This is setup to test the project and can be setup via the following:
composer docker-build
This should trigger Docker Compose to build the image. You can then up the container via the following:
composer docker-up
There are tests for all code written, in which can be run via:
# PHPUnit with code coverage report
composer test
# PHPUnit with code coverage report, using local phpunit and xdebug
composer test-local
In those tests, there are Feature tests for a production ready implementation of the package. There are no Unit tests at present.
You can also easily open a shell in the testing container by using the command:
composer docker-shell
Any and all project changes for releases should be documented below. Versioning follows the SemVer standard.
[Git Changes] README changes.
to demonstrate the resulting types within the array returned from UnitEnum::valueArray()
base type within the docs in code examples where a test Enum is not present.[Git Changes] Initial release.