is biz mail php
isBizMail tells you whether a given email address is free (,, etc) or not. The list of emails used by isBizMail is taken from here¹. Detects around 2500 domains and subdomains.
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You can install isBizMail via Composer:
composer require salaros/is-biz-mail
or by adding it directly to your composer.json
"require": {
"salaros/is-biz-mail": "*"
Then use it like this:
require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
use SalarosEmailIsBizMail;
(new IsBizMail())->isValid('[email protected]'); // true
// You can use static access as well
IsBizMail::isValid('[email protected]'); // false
// ...
You can easily drop it into your Yii2 model's rules:
public function rules() {
return [
// ...
[['email'], 'isBusinessEmail'],
// ...
public function isBusinessEmail($attributeName, $params) {
$isBussiness = (new IsBizMail())->isValid($this->email);
if (!isBussiness)
$this->addError($attributeName, 'Mail boxes such as, etc are not allowed!');
return $isBussiness;
composer install
composer test # or ./vendor/bin/phpunit