This PHP library implements a feature toggle infrastructure.
Using trompette/feature-toggles
library can help a team to deliver new
features to users iteratively and safely, in other words: it enables continuous
For more information on the topic, see Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags) on
The trompette/feature-toggles
library is distributed on
It can be added as a project dependency with the following command:
composer require trompette/feature-toggles
When working on a new version of a page, deploying gradually the new version can bring a lot of confidence to a team.
But it also brings more work, as the team needs to:
With trompette/feature-toggles
library, enabling the new version is done by
asking the toggle router if the current user has a
if ($toggleRouter->hasFeature($currentUser, 'new_page_version')) {
$templating->render('new_page.tpl', $newParameters);
} else {
$templating->render('page.tpl', $parameters);
Before using the toggle router, new_page_version
feature has to be registered:
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesFeatureDefinition;
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesFeatureRegistry;
$featureRegistry = new FeatureRegistry();
$featureRegistry->register(new FeatureDefinition(
$name = 'new_page_version',
$description = 'awesome new version of a page',
$strategy = 'whitelist'
When defining a feature, a toggling strategy has to be referenced to specify the algorithm deciding if a target has a feature.
Implemented strategies are:
class.And strategies can be combined with boolean operators, like so:
onoff and whitelist
, onoff or whitelist or percentage
, etc.
Now that the feature registry is configured, the toggle router can be created:
use DoctrineDBALConnection;
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesDBALWhitelistStrategyConfigurationRepository;
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesToggleRouter;
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesWhitelistStrategyWhitelist;
$connection = new Connection(...);
$repository = new WhitelistStrategyConfigurationRepository($connection);
$whitelist = new Whitelist($repository);
$toggleRouter = new ToggleRouter(
$strategies = ['whitelist' => $whitelist]
Strategies are injected as an array indexed with names: these are the references that should be used when registering features.
The toggle router can be used to configure a feature for a given strategy:
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'onoff', 'on');
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'onoff', 'off');
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'whitelist', 'allow', 'target');
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'whitelist', 'disallow', 'target');
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'percentage', 'slide', 25);
$toggleRouter->configureFeature('feature', 'percentage', 'slide', 50);
Configuration changes are persisted by calling the associated method on the strategy instance.
All Doctrine DBAL configuration repositories can migrate a schema, since they
all implement the SchemaMigrator
use DoctrineDBALConnection;
use TrompetteFeatureTogglesDBALWhitelistStrategyConfigurationRepository;
$connection = new Connection(...);
$repository = new WhitelistStrategyConfigurationRepository($connection);
All previous code is optional when using Symfony: everything is glued together
by the FeatureTogglesBundle
Registering the bundle in
is needed to benefit from the Symfony integration:
return [
// ...
TrompetteFeatureTogglesBundleFeatureTogglesBundle::class => ['all' => true],
The bundle can be configured as
described by config:dump-reference
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "feature_toggles"
doctrine_dbal_connection: doctrine.dbal.default_connection
# Prototype
description: ~ # Required
strategy: ~ # Required
For technical details, see
There is only one service declared as public: the toggle
router with TrompetteFeatureTogglesToggleRouter
or TrompetteFeatureTogglesToggleRouterInterface
as identifier.
There are also useful console commands defined as services and tagged with
feature-toggles:configure-feature Configures a feature
feature-toggles:migrate-dbal-schema Migrates DBAL schema
feature-toggles:show-feature-configuration Shows a feature configuration
More information about the commands can be found in their help messages.
For technical details, see
The trompette/feature-toggles
library is released under the MIT License.
See the LICENSE file for more details.
The trompette/feature-toggles
library is inspired by a practice and a tool
used by the Food Assembly development team.
The team discovered the practice with the article Web Experimentation with New Visitors on Etsy's Engineering Blog.