Unicode version: 15.0.
Install this library using the Composer require
composer require maximal/emoji '^1.0'
or add the package name to the require
section of your composer.json
"require": {
"maximal/emoji": "^1.0"
and then run:
composer update
Then include Composer autoload anywhere in your code:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use MaximalEmojiDetector;
// Whether the given string contains emoji characters
$isEmojiFound = Detector::containsEmoji($string);
// 'test' -> false
// 'test ?' -> true
// Whether the given string consists of emoji characters only
$isEmojiOnly = Detector::onlyEmoji($string);
// 'test ?' -> false
// '??' -> true
// String without any emoji character
$stringWithoutEmoji = Detector::removeEmoji($string);
// 'test ?' -> 'test '
// '??' -> ''
// All emojis of the string
$allEmojis = Detector::allEmojis($string);
// 'test ?' -> ['?']
// '??' -> ['?', '?']
// Starting emojis of the string
$startingEmojis = Detector::startingEmojis($string);
// '?? test' -> ['?', '?']
// 'test ?' -> []
containsEmoji($string): bool
Detects whether the given string contains one or more emoji characters.
onlyEmoji($string, $ignoreWhitespace = true): bool
Detects whether the given string consists of emoji characters only.
This method ignores any spaces, tabs and other whitespace characters (s
Pass false
to the second parameter for not ignoring whitespace characters.
removeEmoji($string): string
Returns the given string with all emoji characters removed.
allEmojis($string): array
Returns an array of all emojis of the input string.
startingEmojis($string, $ignoreWhitespace = true): array
Returns an array of starting emojis of the input string.
This method ignores any spaces, tabs and other whitespace characters (s
Pass false
to the second parameter for not ignoring whitespace characters.
Run simple tests:
php test/tests.php
Expected output:
Tests total: 119
run: 119
succeeded: 119
failed: 0