Enter the bin directory and execute the following command on the command line (to download cli.exe, go to my other article: https://learnku.com/articles/67419)
. / cli . exe Websocket . php
1. Create a Websocket connection in the browser (first inject the Websocket.js file into the browser)
2. Register the js function that needs to be called on the client object
# 假设我们需要通过http调用btoa这个函数,第一个参数随便命名,第二个参数是函数执行的内容,需要自己定义执行内容
let client = ( new WebsocketClient ( "ws://" ) ) . start ( ) ;
client . registeCall ( "btoa" , function ( resolve , params ) {
let result = btoa ( params ) ;
resolve ( result ) ;
} ) ;
# 会输出一个访问地址,比如这样
[ 2022 / 4 / 24 18 : 16 : 01 ] [ info ] 连接到服务器成功
[ 2022 / 4 / 24 18 : 16 : 52 ] [ info ] 注册函数btoa成功
[ 2022 / 4 / 24 18 : 16 : 52 ] [ info ] 访问地址:http: //
# 参数说明
group:客户端分组ID (不用管)
. The final return is: The result of window.btoa("ss")
execution Often encrypted parameters are generated by a function in a certain js file. What we need to do is to find the location where the encrypted parameters are generated through breakpoints, and then dynamically inject our scripts and use external code to call them. Assume here You have already found the key code, so you only need to dynamically inject our script, which is done in two steps.
We need to add the key encryption function to the logic of connecting to ws, save it as a new js file, and then use the browser's override or fiddler to replace the encrypted js file. If we find the encryption function
function sign(){
// w函数存在其他地方
return w(x+y);
After transforming it
function sign() {
// 动态注入js文件
(function () {
var newElement = document.createElement("script");
newElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
newElement.setAttribute("src", "https://github.com/kxg3030/js-rpc/blob/main/Websocket.js");
function startWs() {
var client = (new WebsocketClient("ws://")).start();
client.registeCall("a", function (resolve, params) {
// 重点!在这里我们主动调用w函数并传入参数
setTimeout(startWs, 1000)
// w函数存在其他地方
return w(x + y);
Then save the modified js file and replace the original js file with the same name in the web page
Just use an external ws server to communicate with the browser
/ call 调用函数获取返回值
/ list 获取当前服务的websocket客户端数量