Measure the passing of time -- by, Chris Kankiewicz (, logo by Caneco
Chronometer is a library for statically measuring the passing of time in your code. It's intended to be used for benchmarking code execution time.
composer require phlak/Chronometer
First, import Chronometer.
use PHLAKChronometerTimer;
Then start your timer, run your code, stop the timer and get the elapsed time.
// do something you want to measure...
return Timer::elapsed();
After running your timer you will need to reset it before using it again.
You may optionally reset the timer when you start it with the $reset
Timer::start(reset: true);
Start the timer.
ChronometerTimer::start( [ $reset = false ] ) : float
ChronometerTimer::start(); // Returns something like 1538016612.1692
Stop the timer.
ChronometerTimer::stop( void ) : float
ChronometerTimer::stop(); // Returns something like 1538016632.7721
Add a new lap.
ChronometerTimer::addLap( [ string $description = null ] ) : ChronometerLap
$lap = ChronometerTimer::addLap('The first lap.');
$lap->time // Returns something like 1538016625.492
$lap->duration // Returns something like 7.999922990799
$lap->description // Returns 'The first lap.'
Return the timer start time.
ChronometerTimer::started( void ) : float
ChronometerTimer::started(); // Returns something like 1538016612.1692
Return the timer stop time.
ChronometerTimer::stopped( void ) : float
ChronometerTimer::stopped(); // Returns something like 1538016632.7721
Return the total time elapsed in seconds.
ChronometerTimer::elapsed( void ) : float
ChronometerTimer::elapsed(); // Returns something like 20.602929115295
Return the last lap.
ChronometerTimer::lastLap( void ) : ChronometerLap
$lap = ChronometerTimer::lastLap();
$lap->time // Returns something like 1538016632.7721
$lap->duration // Returns something like 7.2800490856171
Return an array of all laps.
ChronometerTimer::laps( void ) : array
ChronometerTimer::laps(); // Returns an array of Lap objects
Reset the timer state.
ChronometerTimer::reset( void ) : void
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