With the advent of PHP7 the old mongodb driver is no more supported.
The new driver available is a little bit low-level compared to the previous one so it can be a bit complicated to work with.
This is what this library was conceived for.
!!! FOR DETAILED GUIDELINES CONSULT THE WIKI AT: https://github.com/ThomasSquall/PHP7MongoDriver/wiki
Using composer is quite simple, just run the following command:
$ composer require thomas-squall/php7-mongo-driver
Before using this library you should make sure to have installed PHP7.0 or major and MongoDb driver from pecl.
For those using a Linux distribution (make sure to have pecl installed) just run:
$ sudo pecl install mongodb
After that you should put the following string
Inside your php.ini
At first you need to define a connection string.
The format for connection strings is:
For more information see the link: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/
Once defined you need to instantiate a new Adapter:
use MongoDriverAdapter;
// Enstablish a connection.
$adapter = new Adapter();
At this point you want to select a Database where do your query:
NOTE: you could select a database directly on the constructor passing the database name as the 2nd parameter.
Once selected the database we can simply query for the collection we want:
$items = $adapter->find('myCollection');
You can also filter your query:
use MongDriverFilter;
$filters =
new Filter('myField1', 'myValue1', Filter::IS_EQUALS),
new Filter('myField2', ['myValue2', 'myValue3'], Filters::IS_IN_ARRAY)
$items = $adapter->find('myCollection', $filters);
If you want to insert an item you have simply to pass an array or an object to the insert function specifying the collection:
$item = new Person();
$item->name = 'Thomas';
$item->surname = 'Cocchiara');
// or: $item = ['name' => 'Thomas', 'surname' => 'Cocchiara'];
$adapter->insert('people', $item);
Hope you guys find this library useful.
Please share it and give me a feedback :)