Simplified macOS notification bridge for Delphi #DelphiCocoaFlavored
Lily Stilson // 2020
This unit is meant to be working with RAD Studio 10.4. It won't work in older versions due to bug in Macapi.Foundation. If your app was not signed with Apple Developer Certificate, then starting from macOS 10.15 this unit will work, but won't call any notifications due to limitations in OS.
Simplified notification scheduling. Fires notification after at a sceduled time;
procedure ScheduleNotification(const ATitle, ASubtitile, AInformation: String;
const ADeliveryDate: TDateTime;
const UseTimeZone: boolean = True);
Simplified notification presenting. Fires notification immediately.
procedure PresentNotification(const ATitle, ASubtitile, AInformation: String);
// SceduleNotification // Form contains TButton.
procedure TNSNotificationsTestForm.SceduleNotificationButtonClick (Sender: TObject);
SceduleNotification('Notification Title', 'Foo Bar', 'Very Informative. Such Notification!',
Now + EncodeTime(0, 0, 5, 0));
// NSSavePanel // Form contains TButton and TEdit
procedure TNSNotificationsTestForm.PresentNotificationButtonClick (Sender: TObject);
PresentNotification('Notification Title', 'Foo Bar', 'Very Informative. Such Notification!');