We used KoGPT2, which was pre-trained by SKT-AI with about 20GB of Korean data. First, to write lyrics, we fine-tuned refined lyric data, novels, articles, etc. whose copyrights have expired, giving different weights to each data. You can also receive genres and see the lyrics learning results for each music genre.
Additionally, Colab has linked Google Drive and Dropbbox for smooth learning. After moving the learned intermediate results from Google Drive to Dropbbox, delete the results from Google Drive. Code related to this
If it is difficult to work with KoGPT2-FineTuning with the changed Version 2 code, which receives CSV format datasets for each music genre, please use Version 1.1.
Below, you can check the results of learning various Korean lyrics. We will be working on various other projects as well.
weight | Genre | lyrics |
1100.0 | ballade | 'You know how I feelnnnI just stare at you standing blankly like PharaohnnnI have no choice but to give up...' |
... |
python main.py --epoch=200 --data_file_path=./dataset/lyrics_dataset.csv --save_path=./checkpoint/ --load_path=./checkpoint/genre/KoGPT2_checkpoint_296000.tar --batch_size=1
parser . add_argument ( '--epoch' , type = int , default = 200 ,
help = "epoch 를 통해서 학습 범위를 조절합니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--save_path' , type = str , default = './checkpoint/' ,
help = "학습 결과를 저장하는 경로입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--load_path' , type = str , default = './checkpoint/Alls/KoGPT2_checkpoint_296000.tar' ,
help = "학습된 결과를 불러오는 경로입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--samples' , type = str , default = "samples/" ,
help = "생성 결과를 저장할 경로입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--data_file_path' , type = str , default = 'dataset/lyrics_dataset.txt' ,
help = "학습할 데이터를 불러오는 경로입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--batch_size' , type = int , default = 8 ,
help = "batch_size 를 지정합니다." )
You can run fine-tuning code using Colab.
function ClickConnect ( ) {
// 백엔드를 할당하지 못했습니다.
// GPU이(가) 있는 백엔드를 사용할 수 없습니다. 가속기가 없는 런타임을 사용하시겠습니까?
// 취소 버튼을 찾아서 클릭
var buttons = document . querySelectorAll ( "colab-dialog.yes-no-dialog paper-button#cancel" ) ;
buttons . forEach ( function ( btn ) {
btn . click ( ) ;
} ) ;
console . log ( "1분 마다 다시 연결" ) ;
document . querySelector ( "#top-toolbar > colab-connect-button" ) . click ( ) ;
setInterval ( ClickConnect , 1000 * 60 ) ;
function CleanCurrentOutput ( ) {
var btn = document . querySelector ( ".output-icon.clear_outputs_enabled.output-icon-selected[title$='현재 실행 중...'] iron-icon[command=clear-focused-or-selected-outputs]" ) ;
if ( btn ) {
console . log ( "10분 마다 출력 지우기" ) ;
btn . click ( ) ;
setInterval ( CleanCurrentOutput , 1000 * 60 * 10 ) ;
python generator.py --temperature=1.0 --text_size=1000 --tmp_sent=""
python generator.py --temperature=5.0 --text_size=500 --tmp_sent=""
parser . add_argument ( '--temperature' , type = float , default = 0.7 ,
help = "temperature 를 통해서 글의 창의성을 조절합니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--top_p' , type = float , default = 0.9 ,
help = "top_p 를 통해서 글의 표현 범위를 조절합니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--top_k' , type = int , default = 40 ,
help = "top_k 를 통해서 글의 표현 범위를 조절합니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--text_size' , type = int , default = 250 ,
help = "결과물의 길이를 조정합니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--loops' , type = int , default = - 1 ,
help = "글을 몇 번 반복할지 지정합니다. -1은 무한반복입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--tmp_sent' , type = str , default = "사랑" ,
help = "글의 시작 문장입니다." )
parser . add_argument ( '--load_path' , type = str , default = "./checkpoint/Alls/KoGPT2_checkpoint_296000.tar" ,
help = "학습된 결과물을 저장하는 경로입니다." )
You can run the generator using Colab.
To check changes due to learning, access tensorboard and check loss and text.
tensorboard --logdir=runs
author = {gyung},
title = {KoGPT2-FineTuning},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {url{https://github.com/gyunggyung/KoGPT2-FineTuning}},
Detailed results can be found in samples. More information about learning can be found in related posts.