These are pure PHP helper classes to implement recursive-descent natural language generators [1]. The classes provided are an abstract generator, an ontology container and a lexicon container.
These classes should help build simple to mid-level generators, speaking about their complexity. Emphasis has been made in keeping more advanced features out of the way for simpler cases (i.e., if there is no need to use the ontology or the lexicon, they can be skipped).
The generator keeps track of semantic annotations on the generated text, so as to enable further generation functions to reason about the text. A global context blackboard is also available.
For details on the multilingual example see the Make Web Not War talk. [2]
This is work in progress, see the ROADMAP for some insights in future development.
NLGen ships with a generation grammar ready to use, that constructs
text descriptions for weekly schedules. The grammar is accessible by
importing NLGenGrammarsAvailabilityAvailabilityGenerator
The method generateAvailability
receives a list of "busy times" in
the form of
[ day-of-week, [ start hour, start minute ], [ end hour, end minute ] ]
a list of ranges indicating when the scheduled day starts and ends (in
the form of [ day-of-week => [ start hour, start minute ], [ end hour, end minute ] ]
) and a constant indicating how "coarse" should
be the text (one liner summarizing or very detailed).
See examples/availability
and tests/Availability/AvailabilityTest
use NLGenGrammarsAvailabilityAvailabilityGenerator;
$gen = new AvailabilityGenerator();
$busyList = [
[3, [16, 30], [17, 30] ],
[6, [ 6, 55], [11, 41] ],
[6, [14, 32], [22, 05] ]
$fullRanges = [];
foreach(range(0, 6) as $dow) {
$fullRanges[$dow] = [ [6, 0], [24, 0] ];
echo $gen->generateAvailability($busyList, $fullRanges, AvailabilityGenerator::BASE, null);
Produces All week is mostly free all day. Sunday is busy from late 6 AM to late 11 AM, and from half past 14 PM to 22 PM; the rest is free.
Look at the examples/
folder, but in a nutshell, subclass the
class and implemented a function named top
. This
function can return either a string or an array with a text
for semantic annotations on the returned text.
If you want to use other functions to assemble the text use
$this->gen('name_of_the_function', $data_array_input_to_the_function)
to call it (instead of
. Or
you can define your functions as protected and use function
interposition, described below. The generator abstract class keeps
track of the semantic annotations for you and other goodies.
If the functions that implement the grammar are protected, a dynamic
class can be created with the NewSealed
class method. This dynamic
class will have function interception so you can call
as usual but actually $this->gen
will be
Either way you use it, to call the class, if your instantiated
subclass is $my_gen
then $my_gen->generate($input_data_as_an_array)
will return the generated strings. If you want to access the semantic
annotations, use $my_gen->semantics()
For different use cases, see the examples/
This example is grafted from the examples/basic
folder. To be
invoked command-line with php basic.php 0 0 0 0
(it produces Juan
started working on Component ABC).
class BasicGenerator extends Generator {
var $agents = array('Juan','Pedro','The helpdesk operator');
var $events = array('started','is','finished');
var $actions = array('working on','coding','doing QA on');
var $themes = array('Component ABC','Item 25','the delivery subsystem');
protected function top($data){
$this->person($data[0]). " " .
$this->action($data[1], $data[2]). " " .
protected function person($agt){ return $this->agents[$agt]; }
protected function action($evt, $act){ return $this->events[$evt]." ".$this->actions[$act]; }
protected function item($thm) { return $this->themes[$thm]; }
global $argv,$argc;
$gen = BasicGenerator::NewSealed();
print $gen->generate(array_splice($argv,1) /*,array("debug"=>1)*/)."n";
I highly recommend Building Natural Language Generation Systems (2000) by Reiter and Dale.
The SIGGEN site [2] has plenty of good resources. You might also want to look at the NLG portal at the Association for Computational Linguistics wiki [3].
Last but not least, you might be interested in the author's blog [4] and the class notes of his recent NLG course [5].
Work on NLGen is sponsored by Textualization Software Ltd..
This library is licensed under the MIT License - See the LICENSE file for details.