node websocket Chatroom
WebChat chat room is a web chat room tool built based on module. The front-end uses Vue as the front-end framework. The server uses express to build web services, uses to create server-side socket services, and implements some basic chat functions.
[✔]Support emoticon sending
[✔]Support keyboard press Enter to send messages
[✔] Support online user statistics and user list
[✔]Support online user search
[✔]Support private chat for online users
[✔]Support message sound prompts
[✔]Support message display settings
[✔]Display the number of unread messages
[✔]Support sending pictures smaller than 1M
[✔]Support mobile terminal
Vue official documentation official documentation
npm install
to install project dependent modulesnpm run serve
to start the development servicenpm run prod
to start the background servicehttp://localhost:8080
npm run build